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English-German translation for: menu of the day
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Dictionary English German: menu of the day

Translation 1 - 50 of 95496  >>

gastr. menu of the dayTageskarte {f}
gastr. menu of the dayTagesmenü {n}
Partial Matches
gastr. on the menu {adv}auf der Speisekarte
gastr. TrVocab. The menu, please.Die Speisekarte bitte.
most of the day {adv}den größten Teil des Tages
beginning of the dayTagesbeginn {m}
break of the dayAnbruch {m} des Tages [geh.]
catch of the dayTagesfang {m}
course of the dayTagesablauf {m}
course of the dayTageslauf {m}
course of the dayVerlauf {m} des Tages
day of the accidentTag {m} des Unfalls
day of the countZähltag {m}
archaeo. day of the excavationGrabungstag {m}
day of the funeralBeerdigungstag {m}
day of the funeralBegräbnistag {m}
day of the monthMonatstag {m} [seltener] [Tag des Monats]
day of the monthTag {m} des Monats
day of the saleVerkaufstag {m}
day of the sessionSitzungstag {m}
law day of the trialProzesstag {m}
law day of the trialProzeßtag {m} [alt]
law day of the trialVerhandlungstag {m}
day of the weekWochentag {m}
gastr. dish of the dayTagesessen {n}
gastr. dish of the dayTagesgericht {n}
gastr. dish of the dayTagesteller {m} [österr.] [schweiz.]
end of the dayEnde {n} des Tages
events {pl} of the dayTagesgeschehen {n}
events of the dayTagesereignisse {pl}
exchange of the dayTageskurs {m}
sports goal of the dayTor {n} des Spieltages
sports goal of the dayTor {n} des Tages
heat of the dayTageshitze {f}
hours of the dayTageszeiten {pl}
issues of the dayTagesfragen {pl}
idiom journ. joke of the dayWitz {m} des Tages
length of (the) dayTageslänge {f}
lit. literature of the dayLiteratur {f} der Zeit
middle of the dayTagesmitte {f}
most of the dayder größte Teil {m} des Tages
comm. market. offer of the dayAngebot {n} des Tages
comm. market. offer of the dayTagesangebot {n} [Angebot des Tages]
order of the dayTagesbefehl {m}
order of the dayTagesordnung {f}
part of the dayTagesabschnitt {m}
prime of the dayMorgenfrühe {f}
quotation of the dayTageskurs {m}
quotation of the dayTagesnotierung {f}
rate of the dayTageskurs {m}
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