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English-German translation for: minds
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Dictionary English German: minds

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NOUN   a mind | minds
VERB  to mind | minded | minded
minding | minds
sb. minds [pays attentions to]
jd. beachtet
Gemüter {pl}
Gedächtnisse {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
bright mindshelle Köpfe {pl}
idiom brilliant mindskluge Köpfe {pl}
little mindsKleingeister {pl}
3 Words: Others
in two minds {adv} [Br.] [idiom]im Zwiespalt
idiom of two minds [Am.]im Zwiespalt
3 Words: Verbs
to divide the mindsdie Gemüter spalten
4 Words: Others
proverb Great minds think alike.Zwei Doofe, ein Gedanke. [ugs.]
proverb Great minds think alike. [hum.]Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke. [hum.]
proverb Great minds think alike. <GMTA>Große Geister denken gleich.
4 Words: Verbs
to be in two mindszögern
4 Words: Nouns
change in people's mindsVeränderung {f} in den Köpfen
people with great mindsgroße Geister {pl}
philos. problem of other mindsProblem {n} des Fremdpsychischen
5+ Words: Others
He's in two minds as to whether he should go or not.Er ist im Zweifel, ob er gehen soll.
in the minds of (the) people {adv}in den Köpfen der Menschen / Leute
one of the greatest minds of his timeeiner der größten Geister seiner Zeit
sth. is going through people's minds [idiom]etw. rumort in den Köpfen [Redewendung]
The thought still haunts people's minds. [fig.]Der Gedanke spukt noch immer in den Köpfen der Leute. [fig.]
You could talk till doomsday, but they will never change their minds. [coll.] [fig.]Da kannst du reden, bis du schwarz wirst, sie werden ihre Meinung niemals ändern. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be in two minds about doing sth. [Br.]unschlüssig / unentschlossen sein, ob man etw. tun soll
idiom to be in two minds about sth. [Br.]geteilter Meinung sein, was etw. angeht
to be in two minds how to actunentschlossen sein
to be of two minds about / on sth. [Am.]geteilter Meinung über etw.Akk. sein
idiom to be of two minds about doing sth. [Am.]unschlüssig / unentschlossen sein, ob man etw. tun soll
idiom to be of two minds about sth. [Am.]hin- und hergerissen sein, was etw. angeht
to be very much in two minds about sth. [Br.]absolut geteilter Meinung sein
5+ Words: Nouns
law the meeting of the mindsdas Vorliegen {n} korrespondierender Willenserklärungen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Dangerous Minds [John N. Smith]Dangerous Minds - Wilde Gedanken
lit. F Disordered Minds [Minette Walters]Der Außenseiter
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A 2022-04-24: Some more insight into German motorists' minds
A 2020-10-25: Please strike out the second +say+ in your minds.
Q 2020-07-30: Internet of bodies and minds
A 2020-01-29: Evidence doesn't change people's minds.
A 2019-01-08: fertile minds
Q 2019-01-08: fertile minds
A 2017-11-05: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=EPr-WdbuNIuZkgW9uZ64BA&q=%22g...
Q 2016-06-30: manipulated minds
A 2016-05-25: Truly inependent minds don't need a brand, label, etc. to assert themselve...
A 2016-03-29: Danke, Ivy, great minds etc. ;-)
Q 2016-03-09: Suspicious Minds von Elvis
A 2016-02-17: Great minds
A 2016-02-10: minds changed, posts deleted
A 2015-12-03: +Great minds think alike, small minds rarely differ+
A 2015-03-05: Could be: "CC Teacher Strives to Fuel 'Inquiring Minds.'"
A 2015-03-05: 'inquiring minds'
Q 2015-03-05: to fuel 'inquiring minds'
A 2015-02-13: Open your minds a little: Seien Sie weniger voreingenommen
Q 2015-02-13: need to open your minds/Quit being sheep/tunnel vision
A 2014-05-30: In our minds, positive knowledge may be summoned at any waking moment whil...

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