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English-German translation for: minimum
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Dictionary English German: minimum

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ADJ   minimum | - | -
NOUN   a minimum | minima/minimums
SYNO   minimal | minimum | lower limit
NOUN   das Minimum | die Minima
SYNO   Extremum | Minimum | Nadir ... 
minimum {adj} <min.>
minimal <min.>
minimum {adj}
Minimum {n}
Mindestmaß {n}
Kleinstwert {m}
minimumMindestbetrag {m}
minimumMindestmenge {f}
minimumkleinste Größe {f}
minimum [measure, dimension]Geringstmaß {n}
minimum [value]Geringstwert {m}
2 Words: Others
a minimumso wenig wie möglich
minimum-cost {adj} [attr.]kostenoptimiert
electr. tech. minimum-phase {adj} [attr.]minimalphasig
2 Words: Nouns
phys. absorption minimumAbsorptionsminimum {n}
bare minimumabsolutes Minimum {n}
cost minimumKostenminimum {n}
math. global minimumglobales Minimum {n}
phys. interference minimumInterferenzminimum {n}
math. local minimumlokales Minimum {n}
minimum (value)Minimalwert {m}
minimum ageMindestalter {n}
aviat. minimum altitudeMinimalhöhe {f} [minimale Höhe]
minimum amountMindestbetrag {m}
minimum amountMindestumfang {m} [Mindestmenge]
minimum amountMinimalbetrag {m}
minimum amountsminimale Beträge {pl}
ecol. minimum areaMinimumareal {n}
minimum availabilityMindestverfügbarkeit {f}
minimum balanceMindestguthaben {n}
minimum benefitMindestunterstützung {f}
minimum benefitMindestzulage {f}
minimum benefitsMindestsozialleistungen {pl}
minimum capacityMindestkapazität {f}
minimum capitalMindestkapital {n}
minimum careMindestversorgung {f}
minimum chargeMindestbetrag {m}
minimum chargeMindestgebühr {f}
comm. fin. minimum chargeMindestpauschale {f}
minimum circulationMindestauflage {f}
tech. minimum clearanceKleinstspiel {n}
tech. minimum clearanceMindestabstand {m}
constr. minimum clearanceMindestlichtraum {m}
constr. minimum clearanceRegellichtraum {m} [Mindestlichtraum]
econ. minimum compensationMindestvergütung {f}
minimum condition [minimum requirement]Mindestvoraussetzung {f} [Mindestbedingung]
minimum configurationMindestausstattung {f}
minimum consensusMinimalkonsens {m}
comm. minimum consumptionMindestverbrauch {m}
comm. minimum consumptionMinimalverbrauch {m}
comm. gastr. minimum consumption [while visiting discos and bars]Mindestverzehr {m} [beim Besuch von Diskotheken und Bars] <MVZ>
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A 2018-12-13: die hohe Kunst des Verkäufers, mit einem Minimum an Ausstattung /
Q 2018-02-10: the minimum tools required for...
A 2018-01-26: a red line indicates that the XYZ-value has fallen below the (required) mi...
A 2018-01-26: ? Red lines indicate shortfalls below the minimum antenna distance of 1.6m...
A 2016-11-03: Participation minimum Cheap fifa coins
A 2016-10-19: I think +means-tested minimum pension+ is ok for BE,
Q 2016-01-27: Bitte um Erklärung - registered as a minimum to
A 2015-09-08: correction: hence guaranteeing a minimum cover of 30.000,00 EUR
A 2015-09-08: insurance benefits must not be capped hence to guaranteeing a minimum cove...
A 2015-09-08: minimum cover/coverage is guaranteed .... maximum benefits - I'd say so .....
A 2015-08-28: ten days maximum / a maximum of ten days — ten days minimum / at least ten...
A 2014-10-17: diference minimum - minimal
A 2014-09-19: Before, no one wanted to talk about a minimum wage - it was a taboo subject.
A 2013-01-15: @ddr "Also 5 ist, finde ich, ist das Minimum." Um Gottes Willen, was soll ...
Q 2012-12-07: minimum order 1 pcs
A 2012-09-01: Downgrading to a lower service level is possible after expiration of the m...
A 2012-08-12: minimum required GPA
A 2012-06-28: as long as you keep harmful side effects to a minimum
A 2012-06-14: minimum order for back orders?
A 2012-02-02: explanation: they drive at minimum risk as they don't have any distance view

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