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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: nan (bread)
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nan (bread) in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: nan bread

Translation 1 - 50 of 510  >>

gastr. nan (bread) [Indian cuisine]indisches Fladenbrot {n}
Partial Matches
archaeo. geogr. Nan MadolNan Madol {n}
nan [Br.] [coll.]Oma {f} [ugs.]
idiom N as in Nan [Am.]N wie Nordpol
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
gastr. three-grain bread <3-grain bread>Dreikornbrot {n} <3-Korn-Brot, 3-Kornbrot>
bot. T
bot. T
gastr. to breadpanieren
FoodInd. gastr. breadBrot {n}
relig. breadHostie {f}
without bread {adj} {adv}brotlos
without bread {adv}ohne Brot
gastr. to bake breadBrot backen
to break breadBrot brechen
gastr. to butter breadBrot buttern
gastr. to butter breadBrot mit Butter bestreichen
to cut breadBrot schneiden
gastr. to make breadBrot backen
gastr. (bread) soldiersBrotstreifen {pl}
gastr. aniseed breadAnisbrot {n}
army breadKommißbrot {n} [alt] [veraltend oder regional]
gastr. mil. army breadKommissbrot {n} [veraltend oder regional]
gastr. artisan breadBäckerbrot {n} [Brot vom örtlichen Bäcker, hergestellt nach überlieferten Rezepten]
gastr. banana breadBananenbrot {n}
gastr. bannock (bread)Fladenbrot {n}
gastr. barley breadGerstenbrot {n}
entom. bee breadBienenbrot {n}
gastr. beer breadBierbrot {n}
gastr. black breadSchwarzbrot {n}
gastr. braided breadZopf {m}
FoodInd. gastr. braided breadZopfbrot {n}
gastr. bran breadBrot {n} mit Kleie
gastr. bran breadKleiebrot {n}
comm. bread aisleBackwarenabteilung {f}
gastr. bread bakingBrotbacken {n}
bread basketBrotkorb {m}
bread basketBrotkörbchen {n}
bread basketsBrotkörbe {pl}
bread binBrotkasten {m}
bread boardBackbrett {n}
bread boardBrotschneidebrett {n}
bread bowlBrotschale {f}
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