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English-German translation for: nerve
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Dictionary English German: nerve

Translation 1 - 50 of 425  >>

English German
NOUN   a nerve | nerves
VERB  to nerve | nerved | nerved ... 
SYNO   to nerve | to steel | nerve | nervus ... 
to nerve
nerven [ugs.]
anat. biol. nerve [Nervus]
Nerv {m}
nerve [esp. Br.] [coll.] [impudence]
Unverschämtheit {f}
2 Words: Others
nerve wrecking {adj}nervenzerrüttend
nerve-destroying {adj}nervtötend
nerve-jangling {adj}nervenaufreibend
biol. med. nerve-mediated {adj}nervenvermittelt
nerve-racking {adj}nervenaufreibend
nerve-racking {adj}nervenraubend
nerve-racking {adj}nervenzehrend
nerve-racking {adj}nervenzerfetzend
nerve-racking {adj}nervenzerreißend
nerve-racking {adj}nervtötend
nerve-splitting {adj}nervenzerreißend
nerve-stretching {adj}nervenaufreibend
nerve-wracking {adj}nervenaufreibend
nerve-wracking {adj}nervenraubend
nerve-wracking {adj}nervenzerfetzend
nerve-wracking {adj}nervenzerreißend
2 Words: Verbs
to have nervemutig sein
2 Words: Nouns
anat. biol. abducens (nerve) <CN VI, CNVI, VI> [Nervus abducens] [sixth cranial nerve]Nervus abducens {m} <VI>
anat. abducens nerve [Nervus abducens]Augenabziehnerv {m}
anat. biol. abducent nerve <CN VI, CNVI, VI> [Nervus abducens] [less common for abducens nerve]Nervus abducens {m} <VI>
anat. biol. accessory nerveNervus accessorius {m}
anat. biol. accessory nerve [Nervus accessorius]Akzessorius {m}
anat. VetMed. accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI, XI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]Beinerv {m} <N. XI, XI> [elfter Hirnnerv, Akzessorius]
anat. VetMed. accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]elfter Hirnnerv {m} <XI. Hirnnerv>
anat. audio acoustic nerveGehörnerv {m}
anat. acoustic nerveHörnerv {m}
anat. acoustic nerve <CN VIII, CNVIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis] [vestibulocochlear nerve]Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv {m} [VIII. Hirnnerv]
anat. med. afferent nerveafferenter Nerv {m}
zool. antennal nerveAntennalnerv {m}
zool. antennal nerveAntennennerv {m}
anat. audio auditory nerve [Nervus cochlearis, Nervus acusticus]Gehörnerv {m}
anat. audio auditory nerve [Nervus cochlearis, Nervus acusticus]Hörnerv {m}
anat. auditory nerve <CN VIII, CNVIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis] [vestibulocochlear nerve]Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv {m} [VIII. Hirnnerv]
anat. auricular nerveHörnerv {m}
anat. auriculotemporal nerve [Nervus auriculotemporalis]Ohr-Schläfen-Nerv {m}
anat. axillary nerve [Nervus axillaris]Achselnerv {m}
anat. buccal nerve [Nervus buccalis]Backennerv {m}
anat. cardiac nerve [Nervus cardiacus]Herznerv {m}
med. centripetal nervezentripetaler Nerv {m}
zool. cheliceral nerveChelicerennerv {m}
anat. ciliary nerveCiliarnerv {m}
anat. biol. coccygeal nerve [Nervus coccygeus] <Co>Coccygealnerv {m} <Co>
anat. biol. coccygeal nerve [Nervus coccygeus] <Co>coccygealer Spinalnerv {m} <Co>
anat. cochlear nerve <CN> [Nervus cochlearis (acusticus)]Hörnerv {m}
anat. cranial nerveGehirnnerv {m}
anat. cranial nerveHirnnerv {m}
anat. cranial nerveKranialnerv {m}
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Q 2018-05-10: nerve-filled
A 2015-01-07: +at+ the b. party - I'm still - asking to be / make sure - Yes, you're rig...
Q 2014-10-09: cut the nerve
A 2014-05-31: to work on the nerve endings
Q 2014-05-30: to work on the nerve endings
Q 2014-05-01: Wenn ich dich nerve....
A 2013-07-20: nerve root affection ??
A 2013-06-22: Danke! Im weiteren Verlauf komme ich jetzt an eine Stelle mit dem Begriff ...
Q 2013-01-06: Trapped Nerve ( Med)
Q 2012-03-11: to collect one's nerve
A 2010-12-16: a pinched nerve, maybe ?
A 2010-10-15: he is talking about nerve cells in an art context.
A 2010-01-14: ?!? nerve
A 2010-01-13: to lose one’s nerve
A 2009-12-26: to have nerve = starke Nerven haben
Q 2009-12-26: to get by on nerve
A 2009-08-11: any side effects, you still feel that dizziness? what about that pinched nerve?
A 2008-12-14: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22inside+the+nerve+cell...
Q 2008-11-27: The nerve!
A 2008-11-19: Entschuldigung, wenn ich nochmal nerve...

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