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English-German translation for: not
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Dictionary English German: not

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SYNO   non | not
NOUN   die Not | die Nöte
SYNO   Mangel | Not | Armut | Dürftigkeit ... 
not {adv}
not {adv}
net [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
not {adv}
ned [österr.] [regional] [bayer.] [auch: net, nit] [nicht]
not {adv}et [südd.] [ugs.]
comp. NOTlogisches NICHT {n}
2 Words: Others
(not) including(nicht) eingerechnet
[I] am not[ich] bin nicht
[we/they/you] are not[wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht
[we/they/you] have not[wir/sie/Sie] haben nicht
[we/they/you] must not[wir/sie/Sie] dürfen nicht
[you] must not[du] darfst nicht
[you] must not[ihr] dürft nicht
Absolutely not!Auf keinen Fall!
better not {adv}eher nicht [besser / lieber nicht]
better notlieber nicht
certainly not {adv}keinesfalls
certainly not {adv}mitnichten [geh.] [veraltend]
certainly not {adv}beileibe nicht
certainly notgewiss nicht
certainly notnatürlich nicht
certainly notsicherlich nicht
Certainly not!Ach wo!
Certainly not!Auf keinen Fall!
definitely not {adv}keinesfalls
definitely notbestimmt nicht
definitely not {adv}durchaus nicht
bibl. Fear not ... [King James Version]Fürchtet euch nicht! [Luther]
Fear not!Keine Angst!
if notwenn nicht
if not ...wenn nicht gar ...
if not ...wenn nicht sogar ...
not ... eitherauch nicht ...
not ... eitherebenfalls nicht
not a {adj}keine
not active {adj}untätig
tech. not adjustable {adj}nicht einstellbar
tech. not adjustable {adj}nicht verstellbar
not adroit {adj}ungewandt
not advisable {adj}nicht ratsam
not again {adv}nicht erneut
not agitated {adj}unaufgeregt
aviat. not airworthy {adj}flugunfähig
not allowed {adj}untersagt
not allowed {adj} [postpos.]unstatthaft [geh.]
not alonenicht nur
not already {adv}nicht bereits
not already {adv}noch nicht
not any {pron} [none]keine
not anymorenicht mehr
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A 2024-10-30: Not even slang.
Q 2024-10-30: sb. won't [will not] =? jd. will nicht
A 2024-10-26: No, the meaning is not correct
A 2024-10-15: +oath hand+ not to be found in medical sources; +benediction hand+ seems t...
A 2024-09-18: Not in everyday language.
A 2024-08-29: it sounds a bit like "let''s not bother about the details". Deutsch: in ei...
Q 2024-05-25: to not dream of doing sth.
A 2024-05-18: BTW, it's "Gutachter", not "Gutchter".
Q 2024-04-30: ® symbol / a trademark is not for every Tom, Dick, Harry or aphoenix to po...
Q 2024-04-25: To be or not to be: 1500424
A 2024-04-19: but it's not imperative
A 2024-04-18: In fact, there are numerous hits from UK gov't websites. Definitely not en...
A 2024-04-16: Alot of students and teaching staff at universities are not native speakers.
A 2024-03-11: The raisins did not make it worse, but could not salvage it.
A 2024-03-09: “unamused” possible, but does not convey suppressed raging anger
A 2024-02-21: he does not suffer from / is not prone to tunnel vision / narrow-mindedness
A 2024-02-18: meaning "not solemn or serious", see the "as if" (or "so to speak")
A 2024-02-13: not necessarily a company, also a sole trader
A 2024-02-08: not very idiomatic
A 2024-02-07: not yet broken in

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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