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English-German translation for: oak
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Dictionary English German: oak

Translation 1 - 50 of 520  >>

English German
NOUN1   an oak | oaks
NOUN2   oak [wood] | -
constr. furn. oak {adj} [attr.] [made of oak wood or timber]
eichen [attr.] [aus Eichenholz]
oak {adj} [attr.]
bot. oenol. T
Eiche {f}
constr. furn. material oak2 [wood]
Eichenholz {n}
2 Words: Others
oak-panelled {adj}eichengetäfelt
2 Words: Nouns
bot. ancient oakalte Eiche {f}
bog oakMooreiche {f}
British oakbritische Eiche {f}
dark oakdunkle Eiche {f} [Holz]
fumed oak [Am.]Räuchereiche {f}
bot. huge oakriesige Eiche {f}
light oakhelle Eiche {f} [Holz]
constr. furn. material oak (wood)Eiche {f} [Holz]
bot. oak appleGallapfel {m}
bot. oak barkEichenrinde {f}
oenol. oak barrelBarrique {f} {n}
oenol. oak barrelEichenfass {n}
oenol. oak barrelEichenholzfass {n}
furn. oak cabinetEichenschrank {m}
oenol. oak caskEichenfass {n}
oak casket [Am.]Eichensarg {m}
furn. oak chestEichentruhe {f}
oenol. oak chippings [used in wine making]Eichenholzspäne {pl} [bei der Weinherstellung verwendet]
oak coffinEichensarg {m}
oak containerEichenholzbehältnis {n}
oak doorEichentür {f}
oak floorEichenfußboden {m}
for. oak forestEichenwald {m}
bot. oak gallEichengalle {f}
bot. oak gallGallapfel {m} [an Eichen]
bot. oak gallsEichengallen {pl}
for. oak groveEichenhain {m}
bot. oak leafEichblatt {n}
bot. oak leafEichenblatt {n}
bot. oak leavesEichenblätter {pl}
oak leaves {pl}Eichenlaub {n}
for. oak log [felled oak trunk](gefällter) Eichenstamm {m}
for. oak logs(gefällte) Eichenstämme {pl}
oak paneling [Am.]Eichenvertäfelung {f}
constr. oak panellingEichenvertäfelung {f}
oak parquetEichenparkett {n}
constr. oak plankEichenbohle {f}
for. oak plantationEichenanpflanzung {f}
for. oak plantationEichenpflanzung {f}
bot. ecol. for. oak populationsEichenbestände {pl}
for. oak scrubEichengebüsch {n}
oak shadesEichetöne {pl}
bot. oak speciesEichenart {f}
bot. oak stumpEichenstumpf {m}
furn. oak tableEichentisch {m}
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A 2014-07-10: Perhaps meant to sport the oak - so no unauthorized person opens the bottle
Q 2014-07-10: oak stopper
A 2013-10-20: Does the German oak mind having a wild boar rubbing his sides against its trunk?
A 2013-10-20: ? Even a boar rubbing against it can't shake a German oak tree out of its ...
A 2013-10-20: What does the oak tree care when the boar rubs against it.
A 2011-10-09: Dark chocolate oak - http://www.google.at/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=de&...
Q 2009-01-26: stained oak
Q 2008-11-09: scrub oak
A 2007-11-30: limed oak
A 2007-11-05: never heard of oakEN...just oak
A 2006-12-05: perhaps: to the only oak tree in the vicinity or nearby
A 2005-03-08: riddling rack, oak trestle

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