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Dictionary English German: oil

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NOUN1   an oil | oils
NOUN2   oil [liquid] | -
VERB  to oil | oiled | oiled ... 
to oil
tech. to oil sth.
etw. einölen
Öl {n}
art oil1 [oil painting]
Ölgemälde {n}
art oil1 [oil painting]
Ölbild {n}
oil [petroleum]
Mineralöl {n}
2 Words: Others
Unverified Add oil! [expression of encouragement, e.g. before sporting events or exams][Ausdruck der Ermutigung, z.B. vor Sportveranstaltungen oder Prüfungen]
containing oil {adj} [postpos.]ölhaltig
chem. long-oil {adj}langölig [z. B. Lacke]
tech. low-oil {adj} [attr.]ölarm
oil-based {adj}auf Ölbasis [nachgestellt]
geol. oil-bearing {adj}erdölführend
geol. tech. oil-bearing {adj}erdölhaltig
geol. oil-bearing {adj}ölhaltig [erdölhaltig]
oil-black {adj}öligschwarz
tech. oil-burning {adj}ölbetrieben
tech. oil-burning {adj}Ölfeuerungs-
tech. oil-burning {adj}ölgefeuert [Dampflok, Dampfschiff]
tech. oil-burning {adj}ölgeheizt [Ofen]
oil-containing {adj}ölenthaltend
ecol. oil-contaminated {adj}ölverseucht
oil-contaminated {adj}ölverunreinigt
tech. oil-cooled {adj}ölgekühlt
oil-exporting {adj}Erdöl exportierend
tech. oil-filled {adj}ölgefüllt
tech. oil-fired {adj}ölgefeuert
oil-fouled {adj}verölt [Zündkerze]
oil-free {adj}ölfrei
tech. oil-hardened {adj}ölgehärtet
tech. oil-hydraulic {adj}ölhydraulisch
tech. oil-immersed {adj}ölgekapselt
tech. oil-impregnated {adj}ölimprägniert
oil-like {adj}ölartig
oil-modified {adj}ölmodifiziert
ecol. oil-polluted {adj}ölverdreckt [ugs.]
ecol. oil-polluted {adj}ölverschmutzt
geogr. tech. oil-poor {adj} [e.g. countries]ölarm [z. B. Länder]
oil-producing {adj}erdölfördernd
oil-producing {adj}ölfördernd
oil-producing {adj}Erdöl produzierend
oil-proof {adj}öldicht
material oil-quenched {adj}ölgelöscht
oil-resistant {adj}ölbeständig
oil-rich {adj}ölreich
oil-saturated {adj}ölgetränkt
tech. oil-sealed {adj} {past-p}ölgedichtet
oil-soaked {adj}ölgetränkt
chem. oil-soluble {adj}öllöslich
tech. oil-starved {adj} {past-p}minimalmengengeschmiert
oil-tanned {adj} [leather]mit Mineralöl gegerbt
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Q 2024-05-02: oil-burner and more
A 2023-02-14: snake oil
A 2022-11-24: Dorf der kunstvollen Ölkrüge / village of the exquisite oil jugs
Q 2022-09-13: wrap the strap around an oil filter
Q 2022-05-23: "Shared oil"?
A 2020-03-08: Picture light (for fine art, oil painting)
Q 2019-01-13: Thieves oil
A 2018-06-18: unbottled oil, oil from the tap, oil in bulk containers (wenn es um Speise...
A 2017-04-12: (Automotive) Product description for an oil pump
Q 2017-04-11: (Automotive) Product description for an oil pump
A 2016-02-16: coconut oil
A 2015-12-07: Oil spill?
A 2015-06-29: Goanna oil
A 2015-06-29: Snake oil
A 2015-04-16: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-16/saudi-arabia-adds-half-a...
A 2015-02-28: "Butter oil" is basically ghee sold at outrageous prices.
Q 2015-02-28: butter oil
A 2014-10-02: but if a valve seat is sticky there is some foreign matter (e.g. oil etc. ...
A 2014-09-23: Eucalyptus oil
A 2014-05-09: Eucalyptus oil

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