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English-German translation for: one piece
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Dictionary English German: one piece

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Keywords contained
curr. one-cent piece <1-cent piece>Eincentmünze {f} <1-Cent-Münze>
comics film F One PieceOne Piece
one-piece {adj} [attr.]aus einem Stück [nachgestellt]
one-piece {adj} [attr.]einteilig
in one piece {adj} {adv}einteilig
in one piece {adj}heil
in one piece {adv}in einem Stück
of one piece {adj}aus einem Stück
one piece rimTiefbettfelge {f}
curr. one-cent pieceEin-Cent-Stück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
curr. one-cent pieceEincentstück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
curr. one-euro pieceEin-Euro-Stück {n} <1-Euro-Stück>
curr. one-euro pieceEineurostück {n} <1-Euro-Stück>
one-piece foldereinteilige Kreuzverpackung {f}
one-piece insulatoreinteiliger Isolator {m}
one-piece rimeinteilige Felge {f}
one-piece strapDurchzugsband {n}
cloth. one-piece suitEinteiler {m} [Anzug]
cloth. one-piece suiteinteiliger Anzug {m}
cloth. one-piece swimsuitBadeanzug {m}
one-piece valveeinteiliges Ventil {n}
automot. one-piece wheeleinteiliges Rad {n}
in one piece [coll.]unbeschädigt
in one piece {adv} [en bloc]am Stück
to say one's piece [idiom]seine Meinung sagen
to say one's piece [idiom]seinen Teil sagen [(frei heraus) sagen, was man zu sagen hat]
one-piece wooden clothespin [Am.]Holzwäscheklammer {f} [aus einem Stück gefertigt, ohne Gelenkfeder]
in one piece {adj} [coll.] [unharmed] [person]unverletzt
to speak one's piece [Am.] [idiom]seine Meinung sagen
as if made from one piece {adj}wie aus einem Guss
cloth. one-piece [e.g. swimsuit or sportswear]Einteiler {m} [z. B. ein Badeanzug oder Sportdress]
to take off one's last piece of clothingsich des letzten Kleidungsstückes entledigen [geh.]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]es jdm. geigen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jdn. scharf zurechtweisen]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]es jdm. stecken [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]jdm. (gehörig / gründlich / ordentlich) Bescheid stoßen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]jdm. den Kopf waschen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]jdm. gehörig Bescheid sagen [Redewendung]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]jdm. gründlich Bescheid sagen [die Meinung sagen]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]jdm. gründlich die Meinung sagen
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]jdm. ordentlich Bescheid sagen [ugs.] [jdm. gründlich die Meinung sagen]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]jdm. zeigen, was 'ne / eine Harke ist [ugs. für: jdm. deutlich und nachdrücklich die Meinung sagen] [Redewendung]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]mit jdm. Tacheles reden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [idiom]sichDat. jdn. kaufen [ugs.] [fig.] [sich vornehmen, zusammenstauchen]
to give sb. a piece of one's mind [coll.] [idiom]jdm. heimgeigen [jdn. scharf zurechtweisen]
idiom to give sb. a piece of one's mind [fig.] [coll.]jdm. heimleuchten [fig.] [ugs.]
Partial Matches
twelve-piece {adj} [attr.] <12-piece> [e.g. set]zwölfteilig <12-teilig> [z. B. Service]
curr. fifty-cent piece <50-cent piece>Fünfzigcentstück {n} <50-Cent-Stück>
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Fünf-Cent-Stück {n} <5-Cent-Stück>
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Fünfcentstück {n} <5-Cent-Stück>
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Sechser {m} [ugs., regional: 5-Cent-Stück]
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A 2012-12-07: 1 pcs ~ one pieces - it's a howler caused by the fact that +pcs+ fits any ...
A 2010-10-15: heil sein = to be (still) in one piece
Q 2010-10-15: Good to see you're still in one piece.
A 2009-07-16: a shutter in one piece or a single shutter
A 2009-06-25: Normally, 'open-ended' questions are those that you can't answer with 'yes...
A 2009-05-02: Peel the apple in a continuous spiral / so that the peel stays in one piece
A 2009-05-02: Peel the apple in one piece or whole, but does that mean that the +peel st...
A 2009-04-15: perhaps: 'the one piece of a two-piece sectional sofa'
A 2007-02-23: cast in one piece?
A 2006-10-02: with braces cut in one piece
A 2006-10-02: braces cut in one piece, integrated braces??
A 2006-01-17: in one piece
A 2005-09-09: ? angeschnitten > cut in one piece (i. e. godets are the same fabric)

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