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Dictionary English German: other

Translation 1 - 50 of 857  >>

English German
ADJ   other | - | -
PRON  other | other | other's ... 
SYNO   early | former | other
other {adj}
other {adj}
other {adj}
other {adj} [additional]
other {adj}
philos. relig. sociol. other {adj}
other {pron}
andre [andere]
Sonstiges {n} [z. B. in Fragebögen]
(the) other
Fremder {m}
(the) other
Fremdes {n}
(the) other [female](die) Fremde {f}
2 Words: Others
each other {pron}einander
each other {adv}gegenseitig
each other {pron}sich [einander]
every other {adj} [every second, referring to a feminine noun]jede zweite
every other {adj} [every second, referring to a masculine noun]jeder zweite
every other {adj} [every second, referring to a neuter noun]jedes zweite
none otherkein anderer
none otherkein anderes
none otherkein andres
none other [female]keine andere
other thanausgenommen
other than {prep}außer
other than {prep}neben [außer]
other than {prep}abgesehen von [+Dat.] [außer]
other than {prep}anders als
other than {prep}mit Ausnahme [+Gen.]
other than {prep}mit Ausnahme von [+Dat.]
sociol. other-directed {adj}außenbestimmt
sociol. other-directed {adj}außengeleitet [an anderen orientiert]
other-directed {adj}fremdbestimmt
other-worldly {adj}übernatürlich [nicht von dieser Welt]
other-worldly {adj} [attitude, person]weltfern
other-worldly {adj} [smile, expression]entrückt
philos. relig. wholly other {adj} [pred.]ganz anders [nur prädikativ]
2 Words: Nouns
every other [female person]jede Zweite {f}
every other [male person]jeder Zweite {m}
sociol. generalised other [Br.]verallgemeinerte Andere {m} {n}
sociol. generalized other [Am.]verallgemeinerte Andere {m} {n}
philos. sociol. generalized other [G. H. Mead]generalisierter Anderer {m}
other advantagesandere Vorteile {pl}
other assets {pl}sonstiges Vermögen {n}
other capitalsonstiges Kapital {n}
comm. other chargessonstige Aufwendungen {pl}
other chargessonstige Gebühren {pl}
traffic TrVocab. other dangers [road sign]andere Gefahren {pl} [Verkehrsschild]
audio other earGegenohr {n}
other evidenceweiteres Beweismaterial {n}
other expenditure {sg}sonstige Ausgaben {pl}
other half <OH> [Br.] [coll.]Partner {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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