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English-German translation for: outgoing
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Dictionary English German: outgoing

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

English German
ADJ1   outgoing [e.g. personality] | more outgoing | most outgoing
ADJ2   outgoing [e.g. mail, flight, president etc.] | - | -
NOUN   an outgoing | outgoings
VERB  to outgo | outwent | outgone
outgoing | outgoes
SYNO   extroverted | forthcoming | outgoing
outgoing {adj} [in relationship]
psych. outgoing {adj} [extrovert]
outgoing {adj}
outgoing {adj}
outgoing {adj}
outgoing {adj}
bisherig [z. B. Regierungschef, Minister]
outgoing {adj} {pres-p} [departing]
outgoing {adj} {pres-p}
auslaufend [Schiff]
outgoing {adj}
outgoing {adj}
outgoing {adj}
outgoing {adj} [personality]aus sich herausgehend
outgoing {adj} [president, chairman, governor]aus dem Amt scheidend
2 Words: Verbs
to be outgoing [fig.]zugänglich sein [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. outgoing airFortluft {f}
telecom. outgoing callausgehendes Gespräch {n}
electr. tech. outgoing circuitAbgang {m}
electr. telecom. outgoing circuitabgehende Leitung {f}
outgoing currentabgehender Strom {m}
electr. outgoing feeder [IEC 60050]Abgangsfeld {n} [IEC 60050]
aviat. outgoing flightHinflug {m}
comm. outgoing freightAusgangsfracht {f}
comm. outgoing goodsAusgänge {pl} [Waren]
outgoing goods {pl}Ausgangsware {f}
comm. outgoing goods {pl}Warenausgang {m}
outgoing invoiceAusgangsrechnung {f}
outgoing invoice [Br.]Verkaufsrechnung {f}
outgoing invoicesAusgangsrechnungen {pl}
outgoing lineabgehende Leitung {f}
outgoing mailAusgangspost {f}
outgoing mailPostausgang {m}
outgoing mailabgehende Post {f}
outgoing mail {sg}Ausgänge {pl} [zum Abschicken vorbereitete Post]
comm. outgoing merchandiseausgehende Ware {f}
outgoing messageabgehende Nachricht {f}
outgoing messageausgehende Nachricht {f}
outgoing partnerTeilhaber {m}, der die oHG verlässt
aviat. outgoing passengersAusreisende {pl}
admin. pol. outgoing presidentscheidender Präsident {m}
naut. outgoing shipsauslaufende Schiffe {pl}
outgoing telexAusgangstelex {n}
RealEst. outgoing tenantausziehender Mieter {m}
naut. outgoing tideEbbe {f} [ablaufendes Wasser]
meteo. naut. outgoing tideablaufendes Wasser {n}
outgoing time [airplane]Abflugszeit {f}
comp. telecom. outgoing trafficabgehender Verkehr {m}
outgoing trayAusgangskasten {m}
outgoing waveaustretende Welle {f}
electr. outgoing wireHinleitung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be outgoing with sb.auf jdn. zugehen [fig.] [leicht Kontakt herstellen]
3 Words: Nouns
average outgoing qualitymittlerer Durchschlupf {m}
electr. outgoing feeder panelAbgangsfeld {n}
comm. outgoing goods controlWarenausgangskontrolle {f}
comm. outgoing goods warehouseAbgangslager {n}
outgoing post bookPostausgangsbuch {n}
telecom. outgoing telephone callausgehendes Gespräch {n}
4 Words: Others
naut. with an outgoing tide {adv}bei ablaufendem Wasser
4 Words: Nouns
average outgoing quality limit <AOQL>Durchschlupfgrenze {f}
telecom. incoming and outgoing linesankommende und abgehende Leitungen {pl}
hydro. meteo. phys. outgoing long-wave radiation <OLR>ausgehende langwellige Strahlung {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
ecol. meteo. phys. top-of-atmosphere <TOA> outgoing radiationAbstrahlung {f} an der Obergrenze der Atmosphäre
» See 2 more translations for outgoing within comments
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A 2013-09-13: Yes - " funds paid in to cover an outgoing payment ... " it's quite comm...
A 2013-08-08: Wouldn't 'outgoing' translate as expressive?
A 2011-10-24: outgoing kene ich im Sinn von extrovertiert,
A 2011-07-18: She has a good way / is outgoing with children
A 2011-06-21: records of incoming/ outgoing data
A 2011-02-16: outgoing
A 2009-08-22: outgoing fire > Eigenbeschuss, incoming fire > Fremdbeschuss
Q 2009-08-22: Outgoing / Incoming fire
A 2009-07-03: probably 'a first outgoing call'
A 2009-02-07: likable / attractive / outgoing / affable ....?!
A 2008-12-18: Abgänge / outgoing unit
A 2008-10-19: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22incoming+a...
Q 2008-09-21: Outgoing Passenger Card
A 2008-08-18: the outgoing president
A 2008-07-15: postage or posting/mailing service for outgoing mail (?)
A 2008-06-16: just found 'register for incoming/outgoing mail in admin. law' for Heft.
A 2008-04-07: incoming/outgoing goods processes
A 2007-06-02: because of my caring and outgoing nature
A 2007-03-15: incoming/outgoing materials
A 2006-09-26: outgoing transfers

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outgoing freight
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