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English-German translation for: population
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Dictionary English German: population

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NOUN   a population | populations
SYNO   population | universe
NOUN   die Population | die Populationen
SYNO   Artbestand | Fortpflanzungsgemeinschaft ... 
population {adj}
population {adj}
population <pop.>
Bevölkerung {f} <Bev.>
biol. bot. zool. population
Bestand {m}
stat. population
Grundgesamtheit {f}
biol. population
Population {f}
population {sg} [also treated as pl.]
Einwohner {pl}
population [number of persons inhabiting a place]
Bevölkerungszahl {f}
Einwohnerschaft {f}
population [colonization]
Besiedlung {f}
population [demographic group]
Bevölkerungsgruppe {f}
2 Words: Others
sociol. population-based {adj}bevölkerungsbasiert
sociol. population-based {adj}bevölkerungsbezogen
biol. population-based {adj}populationsbasiert
biol. med. population-based {adj}populationsbezogen
biol. population-genetic {adj}populationsgenetisch
sociol. population-oriented {adj}bevölkerungsorientiert
biol. population-oriented {adj}populationsorientiert
population-representative {adj}bevölkerungsrepräsentativ
ethn. population-specific {adj}populationsspezifisch
population-wise {adv}im Hinblick auf die Bevölkerung
2 Words: Nouns
(total) populationEinwohnerzahl {f}
sociol. adult populationErwachsenenbevölkerung {f}
adult populationerwachsene Bevölkerung {f}
aged populationAnteil {m} der Alten an der Bevölkerung
sociol. aged population {sg}höhere Altersgruppen {pl}
ageing population [Br.]alternde Bevölkerung {f}
aging populationalternde Bevölkerung {f}
agricultural populationAgrarbevölkerung {f}
sociol. agricultural populationLandbevölkerung {f} [bäuerliche Bevölkerung]
agricultural populationlandwirtschaftliche Bevölkerung {f}
agricultural populationin der Landarbeit beschäftigte Bevölkerung {f}
bot. algal populationAlgenpopulation {f}
alien populationFremdbevölkerung {f}
sociol. alien populationausländischer Bevölkerungsanteil {m}
biol. ancestor populationVorfahrenpopulation {f}
zool. animal populationTierbestand {m}
animal populationTierbevölkerung {f}
zool. animal populationTierpopulation {f}
average populationdurchschnittliche Bevölkerung {f}
biol. bacterial populationBakterienpopulation {f}
biol. stat. base populationBasispopulation {f}
basic populationGrundgesamtheit {f}
ecol. zool. bat populationFledermauspopulation {f}
biol. benthos populationBenthospopulation {f}
black populationschwarze Bevölkerung {f}
border populationGrenzbevölkerung {f}
agr. bovine populationRinderbestand {m}
orn. breeding populationBrutpopulation {f}
agr. biol. breeding populationZuchtpopulation {f}
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A 2018-08-04: Population / Genitiv (Plural) // bitte: +der Katzen+
A 2016-11-10: Population
A 2016-10-30: Small population
Q 2016-03-16: Population - Mitmenschen
A 2015-10-11: Let's look at the facts again: CH — 3.4 million firearms, population 8 mil...
A 2015-10-10: https://www.google.de/#q=%22town+has+a+small+population%22
A 2015-04-09: Aber wie sagt mann dann 'foreign-born population'? Ich kann die beste Form...
Q 2015-04-09: foreign(-born) population
A 2014-12-16: Population
Q 2014-07-12: Is the ultimate goal of the NSA total population control?
A 2013-09-28: As Catesse said, subjects is the correct term, but as Heflamoke said, popu...
A 2013-06-04: Today this would be: The population in California +rose+ from ... in 1860 ...
A 2013-06-03: The population in California +has+ risen from ________ in 1860 to ________...
A 2013-01-10: Zu schnell abgeschickt: mit der ansässigen Bevölkerung Umgang haben > to m...
A 2013-01-10: to interbreed with the local population
A 2012-11-04: In this movie, the black population only appears in the margins.
A 2012-01-30: 100 to 150 million tons are produced annually, which enable one-third of t...
A 2011-12-25: low bat population
Q 2011-09-27: 30 percent of the population were or was?
A 2011-05-10: population of underlings ?

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