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English-German translation for: programming
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Dictionary English German: programming

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NOUN   programming | -
VERB1  to program | programmed | programmed
programming | programs
VERB2  to programme | programmed | programmed
programming | programmes
SYNO   computer programing ... 
comp. electr. programming {adj}
programming {adj} {pres-p}programmierend
comp. programming
Programmieren {n}
Programmierung {f}
Programmgestaltung {f}
comp. programmingProgrammiertätigkeit {f}
RadioTV programming {sg}Programm {n} [Gesamtheit an Sendungen]
comp. tech. programming {sg}Programmierungen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
absolute programmingabsolute Programmierung {f}
comp. absolute programmingProgrammieren {n} mit absoluten Adressen
comp. algorithmic programmingalgorithmische Programmierung {f}
comp. application programmingAnwendungsprogrammierung {f}
automatic programmingautomatische Programmierung {f}
RadioTV children's programmingKinderfernsehen {n} [Programmblock]
RadioTV children's programmingKinderprogramm {n} [Programmblock]
comp. complex programmingkomplexe Programmierung {f}
comp. computer programmingComputerprogrammierung {f}
comp. computer programmingmaschinelle Programmierung {f}
comp. concurrent programmingnebenläufige Programmierung {f}
comp. concurrent programmingNebenläufigkeits-Programmierung {f} [Nebenläufigkeitsprogrammierung]
comp. constraint programmingConstraintprogrammierung {f}
comp. database programmingDatenbankprogrammierung {f}
comp. declarative programmingdeklarative Programmierung {f}
double programmingZweiprogrammverarbeitung {f}
comp. embedded programminghardwarenahe Programmierung {f}
comp. extreme programmingExtremprogrammierung {f}
comp. functional programmingfunktionale Programmierung {f}
comp. genetic programming <GP>genetische Programmierung {f} <GP>
comp. genetic programming <GP>genetisches Programmieren {n} <GP>
spec. goal programmingZielprogrammierung {f} [auch: Ziel-Programmierung]
spec. goal programmingGoal-Programming {n} [Zielprogrammierung]
comp. graphics programming [also: graphic programming]Grafikprogrammierung {f} [auch: Grafik-Programmierung]
comp. imperative programmingimperative Programmierung {f}
comp. Java programmingJava-Programmierung {f}
comp. electr. math. linear programming <LP>lineare Programmierung {f} <LP>
comp. linear programming <LP>lineares Programmieren {n}
comp. literate programmingliterarisches Programmieren {n}
acad. comp. logic programmingLogikprogrammierung {f}
comp. macro programmingMakroprogrammierung {f}
manual programmingmanuelle Programmierung {f}
mask programmingMaskenprogrammierung {f}
mathematical programmingmathematische Programmierung {f}
modular programmingmodulare Programmierung {f}
multi-programmingMehrprogrammbetrieb {m}
neurolinguistic programming <NLP>neurolinguistisches Programmieren {n} <NLP>
optimum programmingoptimale Programmierung {f}
MedTech. organ programmingOrgan-Programmierung {f}
comp. parallel programmingparallele Programmierung {f}
parametric programmingparametrisches Programmieren {n}
pre-programmingVorprogrammieren {n}
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Q 2024-04-12: language lawyer (programming language)
A 2017-12-31: programming ?
Q 2016-08-04: electronic programming
A 2015-03-31: https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=programming+"roll+the+date"&oq=programmi...
Q 2014-11-26: collective programming
A 2014-09-15: Float is more computing/programming than mathmatical, I'd say.
A 2014-08-01: it's NOT about programming
A 2013-05-24: coincidental TV programming
A 2010-03-17: Near-synonyms are "conditioning" or "programming" (of the mind).
A 2010-03-09: implement the programming
A 2010-03-09: complete a programming
A 2009-11-17: ? http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en&q=%22group+method%22+programming&...
A 2009-04-17: Beg to differ; 'programming' in the context of music is used in radio and TV.
A 2009-04-16: sensible Programmatik > sensitive programming
A 2009-01-28: Studying informatics means more than a programming training deluxe.
A 2008-06-20: ShowAge( ) is a function in Visual Basic (a programming language)
A 2008-04-21: ... also dann 'programming' auf Englisch
Q 2007-10-17: 'Schleifendurchlauf' (computer/programming)
A 2007-05-01: is it SAP-programming?
A 2007-04-11: RE: english term for "BLATT" in programming context

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