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English-German translation for: rain of flowers
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Dictionary English German: rain of flowers

Translation 1 - 50 of 64888  >>

rain of flowersBlumenregen {m}
Partial Matches
abundance of flowersreiche Fülle {f} an Blumen
Unverified arrangement (of flowers)Gebinde {n} [Blumengebinde]
arrangement of flowersAnordnung {f} der Blumen
basket of flowersKorb {m} mit Blumen
hort. bed of flowersBlumenbeet {n}
hort. border of flowersBlumenrabatte {f}
bouquet of flowersBlumenbouquet {n}
bouquet of flowersBlumenbukett {n}
bouquet of flowersBlumengebinde {n}
bouquet of flowersBlumenstrauß {m}
bunch of flowersBlumenstrauß {m}
bunches of flowersSträuße {pl}
carpet of flowersBlumenteppich {m}
field of flowersBlumenwiese {f}
fragrance of flowersBlumenaroma {n}
fragrance of flowersBlumenduft {m}
fragrance of flowersDuft {m} der Blumen
garland (of flowers)Blumengewinde {n}
bot. garland of flowersBlumengirlande {f}
gift of flowersBlumengeschenk {n}
myth. goddess of flowersBlumengöttin {f}
myth. goddess of flowersGöttin {f} der Blumen
kinds of flowersBlumensorten {pl}
language of flowersBlumensprache {f}
art painter of flowersBlumenmaler {m}
riot of flowerswildes Blumenmeer {n}
scent of flowersBlumenduft {m}
sea of flowersBlumenmeer {n}
smell of flowersBlumenduft {m}
spray of flowersBlumenstrauß {m}
bot. wreath of flowersBlumenkranz {m}
full of flowers {adj} [postpos.]blühend [Garten, Feld, Wiese]
full of flowers {adj} [postpos.]blumenreich
in lieu of flowersanstatt / anstelle Blumenspenden
a profusion of flowerseine Fülle {f} von Blumen
bouquet of dried flowersTrockenblumenstrauß {m}
bouquet of dried flowersTrockenstrauß {m} [Trockenblumenstrauß]
bouquet of field flowersWiesenblumenstrauß {m}
bouquet of wild flowersDuft {m} wilder Blumen
bunch of field flowersWiesenblumenstrauß {m}
bunch of wild flowersFeldblumenstrauß {m}
bunch of wild flowersMaien {m} [schweiz.]
bunches of field flowersWiesenblumensträuße {pl}
scent of lilac (flowers)Fliederduft {m}
spray of flowers [for a funeral]Trauergesteck {n}
lit. F The Flowers of Evil [Charles Beaudelaire]Die Blumen des Bösen
cloth. furn. with a pattern of large flowers {adj} [postpos.]großgeblümt
lit. F Our Lady of the Flowers [Jean Genet]Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs
(fall of) rainRegenfall {m}
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