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English-German translation for: skirt
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Dictionary English German: skirt

Translation 1 - 50 of 296  >>

English German
NOUN   a skirt | skirts
SYNO   annulus | skirt | to border ... 
to skirt
to skirt sth. [also fig.] [avoid, shirk]
etw. umgehen [auch fig.: ausweichen, nicht eingehen]
to skirt sth. [form a border around]
etw.Akk. umranden
to skirt sth. [move along]
etw. entlanggehen [oder fahren]
to skirt sth.um etw. herumgehen
cloth. skirt
Rock {m}
cloth. skirt
Damenrock {m}
skirt [edge]
Rand {m}
skirt [outskirts]
Grenze {f} [äußerer Bereich]
cloth. skirt
Frauenrock {m}
tech. skirt
Schürze {f} [Kraftfahrzeug, Luftkissenfahrzeug]
cloth. skirt
Jupe {m} [seltener: {n}] [schweiz.] [Rock]
constr. skirt [baseboard]
Fußleiste {f} [Scheuerleiste]
cloth. skirt
Kittel {m} [österr.] [Damenrock]
cloth. skirt
Schoß {f} [österr.] [selten] [Damenrock]
skirt [coll.] [fig.] [woman]
Frauensperson {f} [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. A-line skirtGlockenrock {m}
cloth. A-line skirtausgestellter Rock {m}
cloth. ample skirtweiter Rock {m}
mil. tech. armoured skirt {sg} [in military tanks] [Br.]Kettenschürzen {pl} [an Panzern]
cloth. backless skirtpofreier Rock {m}
cloth. ballerina skirtBallerinarock {m}
cloth. ballerina skirtBallerina-Rock {m}
cloth. dance ballet skirtBallettrock {m}
cloth. balloon skirtBallonrock {m}
cloth. banana skirtBananenröckchen {n}
base skirtBodenzarge {f}
cloth. beach skirtStrandrock {m}
cloth. broomstick skirtStufenrock {m}
cloth. bubble skirtBallonrock {m}
cloth. buttless skirt [Am.]pofreier Rock {m}
cloth. canvas skirtCanvasrock {m}
cloth. canvas skirtLeinenrock {m} [aus grobem Leinen]
cloth. canvas skirtSegeltuchrock {m}
cloth. cargo skirtCargorock {m}
cloth. casual skirtFreizeitrock {m}
cloth. check skirtKarorock {m}
cloth. checked skirtKarorock {m}
cloth. checkered skirt [Am.]karierter Rock {m}
cloth. cheerleader skirtCheerleader-Rock {m}
cloth. chequered skirt [Br.]karierter Rock {m}
cloth. chiffon skirtChiffonrock {m}
cloth. circle skirtKreisrock {m}
cloth. circle skirtTellerrock {m}
cloth. cord skirtCordrock {m}
cloth. cord skirtKordrock {m}
cloth. corduroy skirtCordrock {m}
cloth. corduroy skirtKordrock {m}
cloth. costume skirtKostümrock {m} [z. B. von einem Karnevalskostüm]
cloth. cotton skirtBaumwollrock {m}
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A 2023-07-18: flowing knee length skirt bzw. dress: ?
A 2014-12-28: I'd bring in "objective" to skirt the +darauf hinauslaufen+ obstacle, but ...
Q 2013-02-05: Wear wash denims, jeans trousers or a jeans skirt.
Q 2011-07-14: Skirt building
A 2011-05-05: OR: "Right back at you! You two-timing/skirt-chasing, rotton-to-the-core S...
Q 2010-11-25: rhyme to skirt?
Q 2010-09-17: wind & skirt
Q 2010-06-11: Welche Zeit ist das? The skirt has been shaped so that it hangs loosely.
Q 2009-12-14: Christmas Tree Skirt
A 2009-05-05: Seitenschweller > side skirt http://woerterbuch.reverso.net/deutsch-engli...
A 2008-06-24: The kilt is a twill woven worsted wool wrap-around skirt worn by men (Be...
A 2008-05-21: skirt with yoke and deep pleats
Q 2008-01-29: Faltenmini - pleated mini skirt?
A 2007-09-24: "do these boots go with this skirt?"
A 2007-07-23: ? 8 m .... make a full / generous sweeping skirt ..... ?
Q 2007-05-03: nozzle extension skirt
A 2007-04-13: shift dress/skirt
A 2007-04-12: "maxi skirt" was well-known, so why not "maxi coat"?
A 2007-04-12: I know what an A line skirt is, but I never heard of an O line jacket
A 2007-03-08: Or they could be side panels in the skirt part of the dress,

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