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English-German translation for: smoked
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Dictionary English German: smoked

Translation 1 - 71 of 71

English German
VERB  to smoke | smoked | smoked ... 
SYNO   smoke-cured | smoke-dried | smoked
FoodInd. gastr. smoked {adj} {past-p}
smoked {adj} [windows]
smoked {past-p}
sb. smoked
jd. rauchte
gastr. smoked {adj}geselcht [bayer.] [österr.]
smoked {adj} [smoke-coloured]rauchfarben
2 Words: Others
FoodInd. gastr. cold-smoked {adj}kaltgeräuchert
FoodInd. gastr. hot-smoked {adj}heißgeräuchert
drugs sb. smoked pot [coll.]jd. hat gekifft [ugs.]
FoodInd. gastr. warm-smoked {adj}warmgeräuchert
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. smoked baconRäucherspeck {m}
brew smoked beerRauchbier {n}
gastr. smoked cheeseRauchkäse {m}
gastr. smoked eelRäucheraal {m}
gastr. smoked eelSpickaal {m}
gastr. smoked eelgeräucherter Aal {m}
gastr. smoked eelsSpickaale {pl}
gastr. smoked fillet [esp. of fish]Räucherfilet {n} [bes. vom Fisch]
gastr. smoked fishRäucherfisch {m}
smoked glassRauchglas {n}
smoked glassdunkel getöntes Glas {n}
gastr. smoked haddockHaddock {m} [kalt geräucherter Schellfisch]
gastr. smoked hamRäucherschinken {m}
gastr. smoked hamRauchschinken {m}
gastr. smoked hamSelchspeck {m} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. smoked herringBückling {m}
gastr. smoked herringRäucherhering {m}
FoodInd. gastr. smoked herringgeräucherter Hering {m}
brew smoked maltRauchmalz {n}
gastr. smoked meatGeräuchertes {n} [regional: Rauchfleisch] [bayer., österr.]
gastr. smoked meatGerauchtes {n} [regional: Rauchfleisch]
gastr. smoked meatRauchfleisch {n}
gastr. smoked meatSelchfleisch {n} [österr.] [südd.]
material smoked oakRaucheiche {f}
material smoked oakRäuchereiche {f} [Eiche, geräuchert]
pharm. smoked opiateRauchopiat {n}
gastr. smoked porkSelchfleisch {n} [österr., südd.]
gastr. smoked porkgeräuchertes Schweinefleisch {n}
gastr. smoked salmonRäucherlachs {m}
gastr. smoked salmongeräucherter Lachs {m}
smoked saltRäuchersalz {n}
gastr. smoked sausageRäucherwurst {f}
smoked sausageSelchwürstel {n} [österr.] [südd.] [regional]
gastr. smoked tofuRäuchertofu {m}
gastr. smoked troutForelle {f} geräuchert
3 Words: Others
Smoked salmon, indeed!Sieh mal einer an, geräucherter Lachs (also)!
3 Words: Nouns
partly smoked cigaretteangerauchte Zigarette {f}
gastr. rolled smoked hamRollschinken {m}
gastr. smoked goose breastSpickgans {f} [nordd.]
gastr. smoked goose breastgeräucherte Gänsebrust {f}
gastr. smoked herring filetBücklingsfilet {n}
gastr. smoked meat dumpling [Br.]Selchfleischknödel {m} [österr.]
gastr. smoked pork bellyKaiserfleisch {n} [österr.] [geräuchertes Bauchfleisch]
gastr. smoked pork chopKasseler {n}
gastr. smoked pork chopKassler {n}
gastr. smoked pork chopRipple {n} [schwäb. für: Kasseler]
gastr. smoked pork loin(Kassler) Rippenspeer {m}
gastr. smoked turkey breastPutenschinken {m}
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. minced smoked bacon spread [bacon jam]Sasaka {n} [österr.] [regional] [Brotaufstrich]
gastr. non-smoked back bacongrüner Speck {m} [für das Spicken und Bardieren]
gastr. salted and smoked meat [pork]Geselchtes {n} [bayer.] [österr.] [Rauchfleisch]
FoodInd. gastr. smoked meat and sausagesRauchwaren {pl} [Fleisch und Wurst]
5+ Words: Others
When's the last time you smoked weed? [coll.]Wann hast'n das letzte Mal was geraucht? [ugs.] [Marihuana]
5+ Words: Nouns
gastr. salted and smoked meat and sausagesSelchwaren {pl} [geräuchertes Fleisch und geräucherte Würste]
gastr. smoked meat and fish products {pl}Räucherware {f}
gastr. smoked, rolled fillet of hamLachsschinken {m}
gastr. strip of smoked rock salmonSchillerlocke {f} [Räucherfisch]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
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A 2018-10-26: https://www.google.de/search?ei=f4XSW8euMMHTwQKznZeACg&q=allintext%3A%22Ha...
Q 2018-10-25: Hay smoked scotch beef short rib
A 2014-09-14: Smoked Murmeltier
A 2014-09-14: Of course they were not smoked.
A 2014-09-14: Smoked Murmeltier
A 2014-09-13: Were +Murmeltiere+ dried and smoked in the DDR, then? ;-)
Q 2012-02-16: Never smoked or not susceptible to smoke - Susceptible smoker
A 2011-10-07: pork medaillons in a smoked coating
A 2011-05-24: Have you ever smoked weed?
A 2011-02-11: smoked salmon with cream cheese sandwich = also favoured .... / und natür...
Q 2011-02-05: smoked turkey drumsticks
A 2010-04-01: cured and smoked pork loin
A 2010-03-16: Cannabis users are well known to have smoked their brain out anyway; so yo...
A 2010-01-20: hot-smoked salmon strips / hot-smoked salmon trout strips
A 2010-01-20: hot-smoked salmon
A 2009-03-28: smoked country ham ?
A 2009-03-27: small cubes of hard smoked sausage from Appenzell
A 2008-12-04: gepökelt - geräuchert wäre doch wohl 'smoked ham'
A 2008-06-10: Rohschneider > uncooked, smoked ham
A 2008-05-21: tenderly smoked

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