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English-German translation for: sum
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Dictionary English German: sum

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NOUN   a sum | sums
VERB  to sum | summed | summed ... 
SYNO   to sum | to sum up | to summarise ... 
to sum
to sum
Summe {f}
Betrag {m}
Geldbetrag {m}
Ergebnis {n}
Resultat {n}
Endbetrag {m}
2 Words: Others
in sum {adv}insgesamt
in sum {adv}kurz gesagt
in sum {adv}summa summarum
in sum {adv}in wenigen Worten
in sum [fig.]mit einem Wort
in sum {adv} [often at start of a sentence]zusammengefasst [oft am Satzanfang]
2 Words: Verbs
math. to sum sth. upetw.Akk. addieren
to sum sth. upetw.Akk. resümieren
math. to sum sth. upetw.Akk. summieren
to sum sth. upetw.Akk. zusammenfassen
to sum sth. updas Fazit aus etw.Dat. ziehen [Redewendung]
to sum upzusammenrechnen
to sum upzusammenzählen
to sum upsinnbildlich stehen für
to sum upspiegelbildlich stehen für
to sum upein Sinnbild sein für
to sum upein Spiegelbild sein für
2 Words: Nouns
algebraic sumalgebraische Summe {f}
math. angle sumWinkelsumme {f}
math. angular sumWinkelsumme {f}
annual sumJahresbetrag {m}
appreciable sumakzeptabler Betrag {m}
average sumdurchschnittlicher Betrag {m}
basic sumSockelbetrag {m}
bid sumAngebotssumme {f}
big sumgroßer Betrag {m}
budget sumEtatsumme {f}
building sumBausumme {f}
capital sumKapitalbetrag {m}
capital sumgroßer Betrag {m}
certain sumgewisser Betrag {m}
check sumPrüfsumme {f}
considerable sumbeträchtlicher Betrag {m}
considerable sumgrößere Summe {f}
considerable sumgrößerer Betrag {m}
ind. QM stat. cumulative sum <CUSUM>kumulative Summe {f} <KUSUM> [auch: CUSUM]
definite sumbestimmter Betrag {m}
definite sumgenauer Betrag {m}
math. digit sumQuersumme {f}
gastr. dim sumDim Sum {n}
math. direct sumdirekte Summe {f}
math. double sumDoppelsumme {f}
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Q 2023-11-03: writing out the sum
A 2022-11-06: Einstellungen: transfers to lump-sum/general valuation on receivables
A 2019-05-16: Variant: offset monthly rent against a prepaid sum of money
A 2019-05-16: +abwohnen+ in the sense of the 08:15 query: offset monthly rent against a ...
Q 2018-03-05: to conceive success as zero sum
Q 2016-11-09: +Dazed and Confused+ Does this sum up your mood after the US elections?
A 2015-10-19: It is understood the double funding occurred when a vehicle was to be repl...
A 2015-04-02: Ja. Oder auch (das +wenigstens+ verstärkend) +to give, if nothing else, at...
A 2015-04-02: So I virtually had no choice but to give a modest sum in order to back you...
A 2014-09-03: All I can think of is "total/sum recognized in the balance sheet" ... but ...
A 2014-05-21: Nevertheless, in its result/sum the reasoning is convincing.
Q 2014-02-21: Entsprechungserklärung, Abgabe Fr. 21.02.2014 um 12 Uhr - "incidental sum ...
A 2013-08-20: no, "lump sum" means "not in installments"
A 2013-08-20: wondering about 'lump sum grant'?
A 2013-05-28: If your text does sum up both, suggest "Decrees and Laws for the Protectio...
A 2013-01-18: PART ONE - corrected version, until "which we call SUM" (sentence by sentence)
A 2012-07-16: Is - it is considered one sum of money and so singular.
A 2012-04-03: m: [Streiwert: sum of money] s.A. und Feststellung [Streitwert: sum of money]
A 2012-04-02: Streiwert: sum of money] s.A. und Feststellung [Streitwert: sum of money]
Q 2012-04-02: [Streiwert: sum of money] s.A. und Feststellung [Streitwert: sum of money]

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