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Dictionary English German: transform

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
NOUN   a transform | transforms
VERB  to transform | transformed | transformed ... 
SYNO   to transform | to translate ... 
electr. to transform sth. [electric voltage]
etw.Akk. umspannen [elektrische Spannung]
to transform sth.
etw.Akk. umgestalten
to transform sb.
jdn. umformen
to transform sth. [make a marked change]
etw.Akk. transformieren [fachspr. od. geh.] [umwandeln, umformen, umgestalten]
to transformsichAkk. umwandeln
to transformsichAkk. wandeln
to transform sb./sth.jdn./etw. umschaffen [geh.]
to transform sb./sth.jdn./etw. wandeln [geh.]
electr. to transform sth. [electric voltage]etw.Akk. transformieren [umspannen] [elektrische Spannung]
ling. math. transform
Transformation {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to transform (into sb./sth.)sichAkk. (in jdn./etw.) verwandeln
to transform sb./sth. (into sb./sth.)jdn./etw. (in jdn./etw.) verwandeln
to transform sth. (into sth.)etw.Akk. (in etw.Akk.) umformen
to transform sth. into sth.etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. umsetzen [umwandeln, umgestalten]
to transform sth. into sth.etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. umwandeln
2 Words: Nouns
math. Abel transformAbel-Transformation {f}
math. Abel transformabelsche Integralgleichung {f}
math. Bäcklund transformBäcklund-Transformation {f}
math. phys. Fourier transformFouriertransformierte {f}
math. Fourier transform <FT>Fourier-Transformation {f} <FT>
math. phys. Gabor transformGabor-Transformation {f}
math. Gelfand transformGelfand-Transformation {f} [Gelfand-Transformierte]
math. Gelfand transformGelfand-Transformierte {f}
math. Hilbert transformHilbert-Transformation {f}
comp. Hough transformHough-Transformation {f}
math. integral transformIntegraltransformation {f}
math. inverse transformRücktransformation {f}
math. Joukowski transformJoukowski-Transformation {f} [auch: Kutta-Schukowski-Transformation]
math. Joukowsky transformSchukowski-Transformation {f}
math. Laplace transformLaplace-Transformation {f}
math. Legendre transformLegendre-Transformierte {f}
math. Legendre transform [also: Legendre's transformation]Legendre-Transformation {f} [auch: Legendre'sche Transformation, legendresche Transformation]
geol. transform faultQuerbruch {m}
geol. transform faultTransformstörung {f}
geol. transform faultTransformverwerfung {f}
math. wavelet transform <WT>Wavelet-Transformation {f} <WT>
3 Words: Nouns
bot. ability to transformUmbildungsfähigkeit {f}
ability to transformWandlungsfähigkeit {f}
comp. math. discrete cosine transform <DCT>diskrete Kosinustransformation {f}
comp. math. discrete cosine transform <DCT>diskrete Cosinus-Transformation {f} <DCT>
MedTech. phys. fast Fourier transform <FFT>schnelle Fouriertransformation {f}
MedTech. phys. fast Fourier transform <FFT>schnelle Fourier-Transformation {f}
math. inverse Laplace transforminverse Laplace-Transformation {f}
math. inverse scattering transform <IST>inverse Streutransformation {f} <IST>
geol. transform (plate) boundarykonservative Plattengrenze {f}
4 Words: Verbs
entom. to transform into a chrysalissichAkk. verlarven [veraltet] [von Insekten; in den Zustand einer Larve übergehen]
4 Words: Nouns
chem. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy <FTIR>Fourier-Transformations-Infrarotspektroskopie {f} <FTIR>
comp. math. modified discrete cosine transform <MDCT>modifizierte diskrete Kosinustransformation {f}
comp. security token reference transform <STR transform>STR-Transformation {f}
engin. math. short-term Fourier transform <STFT>Kurzzeit-Fourier-Transformation {f} <STFT>
engin. math. short-time Fourier transform <STFT>Kurzzeit-Fourier-Transformation {f} <STFT>
5+ Words: Verbs
comp. stat. to transform sth. into a pivot tableetw.Akk. pivotieren [etw. in eine Pivot-Tabelle umwandeln]
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Q 2013-10-10: to transform one's reality
Q 2012-01-25: Which of the two cleft sentences is correct, are both possible or none? If...
Q 2012-01-25: Which of the two cleft sentences is correct, are both possible or none? If...
A 2010-07-21: I sehe...Danke! Is there any other number you transform?
A 2008-09-28: A nature which human perseverance and genius knew how to transform with ga...
A 2008-06-15: transform into? modify into? or simply put? but this doesn't sound so well...
A 2008-04-22: I have second thoughts about your suggestion, Proteus, as the opposite wou...
A 2008-04-22: According to Edda: shall legally transform into ...
A 2008-04-22: ? Simply: the company shall transform into ...
A 2007-12-08: the *B*ody of Christ, not sure about blood , to transform into
A 2007-01-06: transform into art?? turn into art??
A 2006-09-16: Well, you could call it a book but I'm not pretty sure about it yet becaus...

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