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English-German translation for: valley
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Dictionary English German: valley

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NOUN   a valley | valleys
SYNO   vale | valley
valley {adj} [attr.]
geogr. valley
Tal {n}
geogr. tech. valley
Senke {f} [Tal]
Thal {n} [altertümlich]
archi. valley
Kehle {f} [Dachkehle]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. (flat) valleyNiederung {f}
geogr. Aare ValleyAaretal {n}
biol. adaptive valleyadaptives Tal {n}
geogr. Adda valleyAddatal {n}
geogr. Ahr valleyAhrtal {n}
geogr. Alatna ValleyAlatna Valley {n}
geogr. alpine valleyHochgebirgstal {n}
geogr. Alpine valley [in the Alp region]Alpental {n}
geogr. geol. Ammer valleyAmmertal {n}
geogr. Amper valleyAmpertal {n}
geogr. Aosta ValleyAostatal {n}
geogr. Aosta Valley [autonomous region of Italy]Augsttal {n} [veraltet]
geogr. Aran ValleyArantal {n}
geogr. Baldwin ValleyBaldwin Valley {n}
geogr. Balham ValleyBalham Valley {n}
geogr. Barwick ValleyBarwick Valley {n}
geogr. basin valleyTalbecken {n}
geogr. Blau ValleyBlautal {n}
geogr. geol. blind valleyBlindtal {n}
geogr. geol. blind valleyKesseltal {n} [selten] [Blindtal]
central valleyZentraltal {n}
geogr. hydro. creek valley [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ]Bachtal {n}
geogr. Danube valleyDonauniederung {f}
dead valleytotes Tal {n}
geogr. Death ValleyTodestal {n} [selten] [Tal des Todes]
geogr. Death ValleyTal {n} des Todes
deep valleytiefes Tal {n}
geogr. Drava ValleyDrautal {n}
geogr. Drenica ValleyDrenica-Tal {n}
geogr. dry valleyTrockental {n}
geogr. geol. Elbe valleyElbetal {n}
geogr. Emmen Valley [also: Emmen valley]Emmental {n}
geogr. geol. Enns valleyEnnstal {n}
geogr. geol. Etsch valleyEtschtal {n}
geol. fault valleyVerwerfungstal {n}
geogr. Fiemme ValleyFleimstal {n}
geogr. fluvial valleyFlusstal {n}
geogr. Frick ValleyFricktal {n}
geogr. geol. Fulda valleyFuldatal {n}
geogr. Garwood ValleyGarwood Valley {n}
geogr. Gauja ValleyGauja-Tal {n}
geol. glacial valleyGletschertal {n}
geol. glacial valleyUrstromtal {n}
geogr. Hernandez ValleyHernandez Valley {n}
geogr. high valleyHochtal {n}
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A 2023-09-16: proz: roof valley framing
Q 2013-03-09: Death Valley, California
Q 2012-06-11: ‘the best dram in the valley’
A 2010-08-16: Could also be "lebensbejahend" in that atheism doesn't paint this life as ...
A 2010-06-15: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22the+birthplace+of+Silicon+Valley%22...
A 2010-06-15: Yes: This garage is now considered the birthplace of the Silicon Valley
Q 2010-04-11: murmurs rang along the valley to the banshees lonely croon
A 2010-04-01: The Napa Valley is a good 30 miles from the Pacific Ocean.
A 2009-12-21: it's a small valley with a spring ...
A 2009-10-19: oh-oh, the rattling bog, the bog down in the valley-o...
A 2009-05-06: Hahaha, in welchem Kaff ist denn die Valley Bar?
A 2009-05-06: Right, sorry. I shall now go to the Valley Bar and do penance
A 2009-03-17: Trying hard to compare Valley-Speak (Silicon-Valley, California) with Iris...
A 2009-02-18: ..., über welchen das Wasser aus dem Central Valley abfließt, ...
Q 2009-02-18: drain a valley
A 2008-12-21: der Wahrsager des Silicon Valley, Henrique Holzschuh...
A 2008-11-21: At the valley cut the terrain starts sloping steeply
A 2008-11-21: Where the valley drops ?
A 2008-06-07: Adige Valley ist das ETSCHTAL
A 2008-03-07: Monument Valley

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