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English-German translation for: wag
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Dictionary English German: wag

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NOUN1   a wag | wags
VERB  to wag | wagged | wagged ... 
SYNO   to wag | to waggle | shake | wag ... 
to wag
to wag
to wag sth. [Br.] [Aus.] [NZ] [sl.] [e.g. classes]
etw.Akk. schwänzen [ugs.] [z. B. Unterricht]
wag [coll.]
Witzbold {m}
wag [of a dog's tail]
Wedeln {n}
sports WAG [singular derived from "wives and girlfriends"] [Br.] [coll., often hum. or slightly pej.]
Spielerfrau {f} [bes. als Klischee]
journ. sports wag [Br.] [coll.] [wife of a high-profile footballer]
Fußballerfrau {f} [leicht pej.]
journ. sports wag [Br.] [coll.] [girlfriend of a high-profile footballer]
Fußballerfreundin {f} [leicht pej.]
wagunterhaltsamer Mensch {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]klatschen [ugs.] [plaudern]
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]plaudern
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]plauschen [ugs.]
to chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]tratschen [ugs.]
to wag school [coll.] [Br.] [Aus.]die Schule schwänzen
2 Words: Nouns
journ. sports boxing WAG [Br.] [coll.]Boxer-Frau {f} [auch: Boxerfrau] [Frau oder Freundin eines Profiboxers]
chin-wag [Am.] [coll.]Schwätzchen {n} [ugs.]
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]Klatsch {m}
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]Plauderei {f}
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]Plausch {m}
chin-wag [Br.] [coll.]Tratsch {m}
tail wagSchlingern {n}
3 Words: Others
idiom Tongues will wag.Das wird Gerede geben.
3 Words: Verbs
to wag a fingermit dem Finger drohen
to wag its tailschwänzeln [Hund]
to wag its tailschweifwedeln [Hund]
to wag one's chin [to jabber]quasseln [ugs.]
to wag one's headleicht mit dem Kopf schütteln
to wag one's tailmit dem Schwanz wackeln [kurzer Schwanz, z. B. Schwein]
to wag one's tailmit dem Schwanz wedeln [Hund]
to wag one's tailmit dem Schwanz wippen [Vogel]
idiom to wag one's tonguedie Zunge wetzen
to wag one's tongue [coll.]tratschen [ugs.] [die Zunge wetzen]
to wag their tailsschwänzeln [Hunde]
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to cause tongues to wagAnlass zu Gerede sein
to cause tongues to wagAnlass zu Klatsch geben
to wag one's finger at sb.jdm. mit dem Finger drohen
5+ Words: Others
with a wag of its tail {adv}schwanzwedelnd
with a wag of its tail {adv}mit einem Schwanzwedeln
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Wag the Dog [Barry Levinson]Wag the DogWenn der Schwanz mit dem Hund wedelt
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A 2019-09-08: Interesting, how he missed +shawty+ At least +shorty+ might have come to m...
Q 2010-12-31: to wag my finger in disgust at
Q 2010-11-21: WAG
A 2010-04-01: Wag dich erstmal ran an deine Übersetzung, wir polieren sie anschließend g...
A 2009-06-13: wag-tongued
A 2009-06-13: wag-tongued
A 2009-06-13: Wag-tongued
A 2009-06-13: wag-tongued
A 2009-06-13: +wag-tongued+ scheint eher zu +to wag one's tongue+ zu gehören, also > zun...
Q 2009-06-13: wag-tongued
Q 2008-04-05: to wag
A 2004-05-11: WAG and WGN
A 2004-05-11: WAG and WGN
A 2004-05-11: just a wag (wild ass guess)
Q 2004-05-11: WAG and WGN

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