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English-German translation for: wind
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Dictionary English German: wind

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NOUN   a wind | winds
VERB  to wind | wound | wound ... 
NOUN   der Wind | die Winde
to wind
to wind [on a spool, reel etc.]
aufwickeln [aufrollen]
tech. to wind sth.
etw. winden
to wind [on a spool, reel]
to wind [of a river etc.]
to wind
to wind
mus. to wind
to wind sth. [cable, rope]
etw. rollen [aufrollen, spulen]
to wind [unwind, reel off]
to windsich schlängeln [Straße, Fluss]
to windsich winden
to wind [street, river etc.]sich krümmen [Straße, Fluss etc.]
med. meteo. wind
Wind {m}
wind {sg} [Br.] [flatulence]
Blähungen {pl}
wind [act of winding]
Biegung {f} [Windung]
Windung {f}
2 Words: Others
traffic TrVocab. cross-wind [road sign]Seitenwind [Verkehrsschild]
wind-blown {adj}windzerzaust [Frisur, Haare, Baum]
wind-borne {adj}durch Wind übertragen
wind-dried {adj}windgetrocknet
meteo. wind-driven {adj}windgetrieben
wind-exposed {adj}windexponiert
quote lit. wind-footed {adj} [Homer]windfüßig [Götterbotin Iris]
wind-generated {adj}winderzeugt
bot. wind-pollinated {adj} {past-p}windbestäubt
tech. wind-powered {adj} {past-p}windgetrieben
wind-protected {adj}windgeschützt
wind-swept {adj}windgepeitscht
wind-swept {adj}windverweht
wind-tossed {adj}windumtost
wind-up {adj}Aufzieh-
wind-whipped {adj} [waves]windgepeitscht [Wellen]
wind-worn {adj}windgegerbt
wind-worn {adj}vom Wind verwittert
2 Words: Verbs
to break windfurzen [ugs., derb]
to break windeinen fahren lassen [ugs.] [derb]
to break windWinde abgehen lassen
to break windeinen Wind streichen lassen [geh.]
to pass windfurzen [ugs., derb]
to pass windpupen [ugs.]
to pass windpupsen [ugs.]
to pass windAftersausen haben [ugs.] [derb] [Abgang von Blähungen]
VetMed. to suck windkoppen [von Pferden]
to wind backzurückspulen
to wind downherunterkurbeln
to wind down [coll.]entspannen
to wind down [reduce]reduzieren
to wind down [reduce]zurückschrauben
to wind forwardsvorspulen
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Q 2024-02-10: straw in the wind
A 2023-04-10: "Gone with the Wind" is a terrific Hollywood flick, but really crappy history.
A 2021-07-21: je nach Aussprache unterschiedliche Bedeutung: lead, tear, row, wound, win...
Q 2020-03-07: Wind
A 2019-09-05: Die Sonnen-Energie und DIE Wind-Energie sind sauber und produzieren kein CO2.
A 2018-12-02: Ad 14:32 +When the wind is in the east, 'tis neither good for man nor beast+
A 2018-12-02: so wie der Wind damals stand
Q 2018-12-02: as the wind then was
A 2018-07-23: maybe "took the wind out of their sails"
A 2018-07-19: Der Wind stand "günstig".
Q 2018-07-19: Fair stood the wind for France
A 2018-02-27: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=L8aVWtyKCtLzkwWx25XADQ&q=%22A...
A 2018-02-27: Ah, now I see which way the wind is blowing.
A 2018-02-27: Suggestion: That's the way the wind blows!
Q 2018-02-27: Ach daher weht der Wind!
A 2018-02-22: Im kalten Wind sind meine Blumen erfroren / Meine Blumen sind im kalten Wi...
Q 2018-02-22: Cold wind has bitten my flowers?
A 2018-02-06: Suggestion: the bag of Aeolus holds all the winds; applause is transitory ...
A 2017-11-12: The wind gets stronger as it gets later (and the evening comes to an end).
Q 2017-11-12: the wind picks up as the evening draws on

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