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Dictionary English German: window

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NOUN   a window | windows
SYNO   window | windowpane
NOUN   das Window | die Windows
SYNO   Bildschirmfenster | Fenster | Window
window {adj} [attr.]
comp. med. MedTech. to window
Fenster {n}
window [shop window]
Schaufenster {n}
comp. window
Bildschirmfenster {n}
aviat. mil. phys. window {sg} [Br.] [radar countermeasure]
Düppel {pl} [plurale tantum] [Radartäuschung]
comp. windowWindow {n}
window [time window]Zeitfenster {n}
2 Words: Others
archi. three-window {adj} [attr.]dreifenstrig
window-like {adj}fensterartig
2 Words: Verbs
comm. to window shopeinen Schaufensterbummel machen
to window-dress sth.etw. schönfärben
to window-shopeinen Schaufensterbummel machen
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (inspection) windowSichtfenster {n}
(window) grillesFenstergitter {pl}
(window) sillFensterbord {n} [regional]
MedTech. acoustic windowakustisches Fenster {n}
MedTech. acoustic window [in sonography]Schallfenster {n} [Ultraschall-Untersuchungen]
MedTech. acquisition windowAkquisitionsfenster {n}
comp. active windowaktives Fenster {n}
aviat. airplane window [esp. Am.]Flugzeugfenster {n}
med. aortic windowAortenfenster {n}
anat. biol. aortopulmonary windowaortopulmonales Fenster {n}
med. aortopulmonary windowaorto-pulmonales Fenster {n}
comp. application windowAnwendungsfenster {n}
archi. arched windowBogenfenster {n}
archi. arched windowRundbogenfenster {n}
arched windowgewölbtes Fenster {n}
meteo. phys. atmospheric windowatmosphärisches Fenster {n}
archi. constr. attic windowDachbodenfenster {n}
archi. constr. attic windowDachfenster {n}
automot. back windowHeckscheibe {f}
back windowHinterfenster {n}
back windowRückfenster {n}
balcony windowBalkonfenster {n}
barn windowScheunenfenster {n}
barred windowGitterfenster {n}
electr. Bartlett windowBartlett-Fenster {n}
archi. basement windowKellerfenster {n}
bath windowBadezimmerfenster {n}
bathroom windowBadezimmerfenster {n}
archi. constr. bay windowAuslucht {f} [auch: Standerker]
archi. bay windowErkerfenster {n}
anat. bay window [coll.] [paunch]Fettbauch {m} [ugs.]
bedroom windowSchlafzimmerfenster {n}
belfry windowTurmfenster {n}
MedTech. beryllium windowBerylliumfenster {n}
electr. Blackman windowBlackman-Fenster {n}
blank windowklares Fenster {n}
archi. blind windowBlindfenster {n}
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A 2024-09-01: transom window
A 2024-03-24: window blind
Q 2024-03-24: Was ist ein window blind wirklich?
A 2023-07-05: Window tax
A 2023-07-05: Note the distinction between a bay window and a bow window
Q 2023-07-04: bay window - Fenstererker oder Erkerfenster?
Q 2023-03-28: hooded window
A 2022-05-24: A window would temporarily be secured by wooden *boards* (it's "boarded up")
Q 2021-07-19: reveal window
A 2020-09-23: Rather than eating dormice, I tend to feed them chopped apples and bananas...
A 2020-06-15: window drip > Wetterschenkel (WB 1845)
A 2018-12-15: astragal window
Q 2018-12-15: astragal window
Q 2017-03-02: installer of window frames
Q 2017-01-03: Overton window
Q 2016-09-14: Out the window
A 2016-07-26: +window shafts+ vielleicht eher +Fenstersäulchen+
Q 2016-07-26: vegetal ceramics, window shafts
Q 2015-06-28: drive-in teller window
A 2015-06-25: I would probably say patters on the window.

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