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English-German translation for: wrought
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Dictionary English German: wrought

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
ADJ   wrought | more wrought | most wrought
VERB  to work | worked/[rarely] wrought | worked/[rarely] wrought ... 
SYNO   molded | shaped | wrought
wrought {adj} {past-p}
wrought {adj} {past-p}
wrought {adj} {past-p}
wrought {adj} {past-p} [past-p of wreak]
angerichtet [bewirkt] [Schaden, Unheil etc.]
wrought {adj} {past-p}
wrought {adj} {past-p}
gehämmert [Silber]
tech. wrought {adj} {past-p}
sb. wrought [archaic] [worked into shape]
jd. bearbeitete
wrought {adj} {past-p}
getrieben [Silber]
wrought {adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
finely wrought {adj}bis ins Feinste konstruiert
well-wrought {adj}wohldurchdacht
well-wrought {adj} [fig.] [plan etc.]gut durchdacht
well-wrought {adj} [fig.] [plan etc.]wohl durchdacht [Rsv.]
wrought up {adj}überreizt
wrought-iron {adj} [attr.]schmiedeeisern
wrought-up {adj}aufgebracht
wrought-up {adj}erregt
2 Words: Nouns
tech. wrought alloyKnetlegierung {f}
wrought goldgeschmiedetes Gold {n}
material wrought ironPuddeleisen {n}
wrought ironSchmiedeeisen {n}
ind. material wrought ironTempereisen {n}
archi. art wrought ironworkKunstschmiedearbeit {f}
wrought ironwork {sg}schmiedeeiserne Arbeiten {pl}
ind. material wrought materialHalbzeug {n}
wrought metalgeschmiedetes Metall {n}
tech. wrought nailhandgeschmiedeter Nagel {m}
ind. material wrought productHalbzeug {n}
wrought silverSilberschmiedearbeit {f} [Arbeitsprodukt]
tech. wrought steelSchmiedestahl {m}
dent. wrought wiregezogener Draht {m}
3 Words: Others
wrought of gold {adj} [postpos.]aus Gold geschmiedet
3 Words: Nouns
high-wrought expectationshochgespannte Erwartungen {pl}
wrought iron fenceSchmiedeeisenzaun {m}
wrought iron fenceschmiedeeiserner Zaun {m}
wrought iron gateSchmiedeeisentor {n}
wrought-iron workKunstschmiedearbeit {f}
wrought-iron workSchmiedearbeit {f}
wrought-up crowdaufgebrachte Menge {f}
wrought-up discussionerregte Debatte {f}
wrought-up emotionserhitzte Emotionen {pl}
wrought-up feelingsaufgewühlte Gefühle {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
article of wrought ironArtikel {m} aus Schmiedeeisen
the devastation wrought by sth./sb.die durch etw./jdn. angerichtete Verwüstung {f}
furn. wrought iron hanging decorationEisengehänge {n}
archi. wrought iron staircase railingschmiedeeisernes Geländer {n} einer / der Treppe
5+ Words: Others
Your wards are deftly wrought, but drive no bolts asunder! [trans. Bayard Taylor]Zwar euer Bart ist kraus, doch hebt ihr nicht die Riegel. [J. W. v. Goethe, Faust I]
5+ Words: Verbs
to get oneself wrought up over nothingsichAkk. wegen nichts aufregen
5+ Words: Nouns
archi. (wrought) ironwork of the staircaseschmiedeeisernes Treppengeländer {n}
piece of wrought-iron workSchmiedearbeit {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
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A 2011-06-28: that Jehovah had wrought deliverance of the race even at the hands of the ...
Q 2011-06-28: that Jehovah had wrought deliverance of the race even at the hands of the tyrant
A 2010-08-27: cutting wrought iron
Q 2010-08-27: carved in wrought iron to her design
A 2009-06-05: well made or well wrought fabric
A 2007-04-24: I would call it a wrought iron gate

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