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English-German translation for: zog an
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Dictionary English German: zog an

Translation 1 - 50 of 4421  >>

VERB   anziehen | zog an/anzog | angezogen
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Partial Matches
an'n [ugs.] [ein, einen]
an'nen [ugs.] [einen]
ana [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ein, eine, einen]
slippery as an eel {adj}aalglatt
without an outlet {adj} [postpos.]abflusslos
without an accent {adj} {adv}akzentfrei
without an accent {adj} {adv}akzentlos
at an outside estimate {adv}allerhöchstens
educ. providing an all-round education {adj} [Br.] [postpos.] [schools]allgemeinbildend [Schulen]
jobs law qualified for (an / the) office {adj} [postpos.]amtsfähig
an- {prefix} [not ..., un-] [e.g. anorganic, anhydrous, anicteric]an- [nicht ..., un-] [z. B. anorganisch, anhydrisch, anikterisch]
as (an) attachment {adv}anhangsweise
with an amputated arm {adj} [postpos.]armamputiert
as thick as an arm {adj}armdick
on (the / a / an) {prep} [place]auf'm [ugs.] [auf dem / einem]
on (the / a / an) {prep} [direction]auf'n [ugs.] [auf den / einen]
on (the / a / an) {prep} [place]aufm [ugs.] [auf dem / einem]
on (the / a / an) {prep} [direction]aufn [ugs.] [auf den / einen]
med. suffering from an eye disease {adj} [postpos.]augenkrank
in an expressive manner {adv}ausdrucksvoll
on an even keel {adj}ausgeglichen
as an exception {adv}ausnahmsweise
in an outlying position {adv}außerhalb
at an early opportunity {adv}bald
as an example {adv}beispielhaft
like an idiot {adv}belämmert [ugs.] [dumm]
as an occupation {adv}beruflich
comm. ind. specific to an / the industry {adj} [postpos.]branchenspezifisch
idiom strong as an ox {adj} [postpos.]bullenstark [ugs.]
strong as an ox {adj} [postpos.]bärenstark [ugs.]
on an ongoing basis {adv}dauerhaft
to such an extent {adv}derart
to such an extent {adv}dergestalt [geh.]
to such an extent {adv}dermaßen
at an average {adv}durchschnittlich
on an average {adv}durchschnittlich
the size of an egg {adj} [postpos.]eigroß
an [masculine subject / neuter subject or direct object]ein
an [feminine subject / direct object]eine
an [masculine / neuter indirect object]einem
an [masculine direct object]einen
of an [feminine genitive / dative object]einer
of an {pron} [masculine / neuter genitive object]eines
without an ending {adj} [gram.]endungslos
biol. from an evolutionary point of view {adv}entwicklungsgeschichtlich
as an alternative {adv}ersatzweise
with an eating disorder {adj} [postpos.]essgestört
from an interdisciplinary perspectivefachübergreifend [Denken]
acad. educ. using an interdisciplinary approach {adj}fachübergreifend [Lehre]
controlled by an external source {adj}fremdgesteuert
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