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inflammatorischer Marker {m}inflammatory marker
inflammatorisches Zytokin {n}inflammatory cytokine
inflammierento inflame
Inflatables {pl} [aufblasbare Werbemittel]inflatables [inflatable advertising material]
Inflation {f} inflation
Inflation {f} bei Hochkonjunkturboomflation
Inflation {f} der Anforderungenrequirements explosion
Inflation {f} der Bildung educational inflation
Inflation {f} der Bildung [Bildungsinflation] inflation of education
inflationär inflationary
inflationär [fig.] excessive [over-extensively used]
inflationär wirkento have an inflationary effect
inflationäre Entwicklung {f} inflationary trend
inflationäre Kräfte {pl} inflationary forces
inflationäre Preise {pl}inflationary prices
inflationäre Spirale {f} inflationary spiral
inflationäre Tendenz {f} inflationary trend
inflationäre Tendenzen {pl} inflationary tendencies
inflationäre Währung {f}inflated currency
inflationäre Zeit {f} age of inflation
inflationärer Druck {m}inflationary pressure
inflationärer Faktor {m}inflationary factor
inflationärer Preisauftrieb {m} inflationary price upsurge
inflationärer Trend {m} inflationary tendency
inflationäres Universum {n}inflationary universe
inflationieren to inflate a currency
Inflationierung {f}inflation
Inflationist {m}inflationist
inflationistische Auswüchse bekämpfen to combat inflationary pressures
inflationistische Tendenz {f}inflationary trend
Inflations- inflationary
inflationsanfällig liable to inflation [postpos.]
inflationsanfällig inflation-prone
inflationsangepasste Rente {f}indexed pension
inflationsangepasste Rente {f} index-linked pension
Inflationsängste {pl}inflation fears {pl}
Inflationsanleihe {f} linker [coll.] [short for: inflation-linked bond]
Inflationsanleihe {f} inflation-linked bond
Inflationsausgleich {m} inflationary adjustment
Inflationsbekämpfung {f} fight against inflation
Inflationsbekämpfung {f} fighting inflation
Inflationsbekämpfung {f} combating inflation
inflationsbereinigtadjusted for inflation [postpos.]
Inflationsbericht {m} inflation report
Inflationsbeschleunigung {f}acceleration of inflation
Inflationsdruck {m}inflationary strain
Inflationsdruck {m} inflationary pressure
Inflationsdruck {m} inflationary pressures {pl}
Inflationsdruck {m} inflation pressures {pl}
Inflationsdruck {m}inflation pressure
Inflationseffekt {m} inflation effect
Inflationseffekte {pl} inflation effects
Inflationsentwicklung {f} [inflationäre Entwicklung] inflationary development
Inflationserwartungen {pl}inflationary expectations
Inflationserwartungen {pl} inflation expectations
Inflationsfaktor {m} inflationary factor
inflationsfreies Wachstum {n} inflation-free growth
Inflationsgefahr {f} inflation peril
inflationsgeschützte Anleihe {f}inflation-linked bond
inflationsgeschützte Anleihe {f}linker [coll.] [short for: inflation-linked bond]
Inflationsgewinn {m} inflation gain
Inflationshöhe {f} level of inflation
inflationsindexierte Anleihe {f}linker [coll.] [short for: inflation-linked bond]
inflationsindexierte Anleihe {f}inflation-linked bond
inflationsindexierte Anleihe {f} inflation-indexed bond
Inflationskriterium {n} [Maastricht] price stability criterion
Inflationslücke {f}inflationary gap
Inflationsmessung {f} measurement of inflation
Inflationsmessung {f} inflation measurement
Inflationsniveau {n} inflation level
Inflationsorientierung {f}inflation targeting
Inflationsprognose {f}inflation forecast
Inflationsrate {f} rate of inflation
Inflationsrate {f} inflation rate
Inflationsrisiken {pl} inflation risks
Inflationsrisiko {n}inflation risk
Inflationsrisiko {n} risk of inflation
Inflationsrücklage {f} inflationary reserve
Inflationsschub {m}burst of inflation
Inflationsschutz {m}inflation protection
Inflationssockel {m} hard-core inflation
Inflationssockel {m} underlying rate of inflation
Inflationsspirale {f}inflationary spiral
inflationsstabile Arbeitslosenquote {f} non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment <NAIRU>
Inflationssteuer {f} inflation tax
Inflationstempo {n} pace of inflation
Inflationstheorie {f} inflation theory
Inflationstheorie {f} theory of inflation
Inflationswährung {f} inflated currency
Inflationswelle {f}wave of inflation
Inflationswirkung {f} inflation effect
Inflationszahlen {pl}inflation figures
Inflationszeit {f} age of inflation
Inflationsziel {n} inflation target
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