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« zurückSeite 283 für den Anfangsbuchstaben P im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuchweiter »
polanges Haar {n} tush-length hair [Am.] [coll.]
polanges Haar {n} [ugs.]bum-length hair [coll.]
polar polar
polar modifiziert polar modified
Polar Star Polar Star [Martin Cruz Smith]
Polararchäologin {f}polar archeologist [female] [Am.]
Polarausrüstung {f} Arctic gear
Polarbär {m} [seltener] [Eisbär] polar bear [Ursus maritimus]
Polar-Birke {f}dwarf birch [Betula nana]
Polar-Birke {f}Alpine birch [Betula nana]
Polar-Birke {f}Arctic dwarf birch [Betula nana]
Polar-Birke {f}bog birch [Betula nana]
Polar-Birke {f} swamp birch [Betula nana]
Polar-Birke {f} scrub birch [Betula nana]
Polar-Birke {f}glandular birch [Betula nana]
Polarbirkenzeisig {m}Arctic redpoll [Acanthis hornemanni, syn.: Carduelis hornemanni]
Polarbirkenzeisig {m} hoary redpoll [Am.] [Acanthis hornemanni, syn.: Carduelis hornemanni]
Polar-Birkenzeisig {m} hoary redpoll [Am.] [Acanthis hornemanni, syn.: Carduelis hornemanni]
Polar-Birkenzeisig {m}Arctic redpoll [Acanthis hornemanni, syn.: Carduelis hornemanni]
Polardiagramm {n} polar diagram
Polardorsch {m}polar cod [Boreogadus saida]
Polardorsch {m}Arctic cod [Boreogadus saida]
Polardurchmesser {m}polar diameter
Polare {f} [Flugmechanik]drag polar
polare Aminosäure {f}polar amino acid
polare Aminosäuren {pl}polar amino acids
polare Aminosäurereste {pl} polar amino acid residues
polare Eiskappe {f}polar ice cap
polare Eismassen {pl} polar ice sheets
polare Gegensätze {pl}polar opposites
polare Kopfgruppe {f} polar headgroup
polare Luftmasse {f}polar air mass
polare Moleküle {pl}polar molecules
polare Reste {pl}polar residues
polare Sonnenuhr {f}polar dial
polare Stratosphärenwolken {pl} <PSC> polar stratospheric clouds <PSC>
polare Stratosphärenwolken {pl} <PSC> nacreous clouds
polare Umlaufbahn {f} polar orbit
polare Verstärkung {f}polar amplification <PA>
(polare) Wildnis {f}(polar) waste
Polareis {n} polar ice
polarer Aminosäurerest {m}polar amino acid residue
polarer Anteil {m} polar part
polarer Gegensatz {m} polar opposition
polarer Orbit {m} polar orbit
polarer Vektor {m} <PV>polar vector
polarer Wirbel {m} polar vortex
polares Lösungsmittel {n} polar solvent
polares Molekül {n} polar molecule
polares Trägheitsmoment {n}polar moment of inertia
polares Widerstandsmoment {n} polar section modulus <PSM>
Polarexpedition {f}polar expedition
Polarfibrille {f}polar fibril
Polarfisch {m} polar fish
Polarforscher {m} Arctic explorer
Polarforscher {m}Arctic research scientist
Polarforscher {m}polar explorer
Polarforscherin {f}polar explorer [female]
Polarforschung {f}polar research
Polarforschungsreise {f}polar expedition
Polarfront {f} polar front
Polarfrontjetstream {m} polar jet stream
Polarfronttheorie {f}polar front theory
Polarfuchs {m}Arctic fox [Vulpes lagopus, syn.: Alopex lagopus]
Polarfuchs {m} polar fox [Vulpes lagopus, syn.: Alopex lagopus]
Polarfuchs {m}white fox [Vulpes lagopus, formerly: Alopex lagopus]
Polarfuchs {m} snow fox [Vulpes lagopus, formerly: Alopex lagopus]
Polargebiet {n} polar region
Polargitter {n} polar grid
Polargleichung {f}polar equation
Polargletscher {m} polar glacier
Polarhase {m} Arctic hare [Lepus arcticus]
Polarhase {m}polar rabbit [Lepus arcticus]
Polarhoch {n} polar high
Polari {n}Polari [slang]
Polarimeter {n}polarimeter
Polarimetrie {f} polarimetry
polarimetrisch polarimetric
Polarisation {f} polarization
Polarisation {f} polarisation [Br.]
Polarisationsbildgebung {f}polarization imaging
Polarisationsebene {f} plane of polarization
Polarisationsebene {f} plane of polarisation [Br.]
Polarisationsebene {f} polarization plane
Polarisationsebene {f} polarisation plane [Br.]
Polarisationseffekt {m} polarization effect
Polarisationseffekt {m} polarisation effect [Br.]
Polarisationseigenschaften {pl} polarization characteristics
Polarisationseigenschaften {pl}polarisation characteristics [Br.]
Polarisationseigenschaften {pl} polarisation properties [Br.]
Polarisationseigenschaften {pl}polarization properties
Polarisationsellipse {f}polarization ellipse
Polarisationsellipsoid {n} ellipsoid of polarization
Polarisationsellipsoid {n}polarization ellipsoid
Polarisationsfilm {m} [Folie] polarization film
Polarisationsfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]polarizing filter
Polarisationsfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]polarising filter [Br.]
Polarisationsfolie {f} polarization film
Polarisationsfolie {f}polarisation film [Br.]
Polarisationsgerät {n}polariscope
« PöbePodaPo-EPoikPokapolaPolaPolapolePoliPoli »
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