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artfulnessRaffinesse {f}
artfulnessRaffiniertheit {f} [Gerissenheit]
art-historical kunstgeschichtlich
art-historical repertoire kunstgeschichtliches Repertoire {n}
art-historical writings {pl}Kunstgeschichtsschreibung {f}
arthouse cinema Programmkino {n}
arthouse cinemaFilmkunstkino {n}
arthouse cinemaArthouse {n}
arthralgiaArthralgie {f}
arthralgia Gelenkschmerz {m}
arthrectomy Arthrektomie {f}
arthritic Arthritiker {m}
arthritican Arthritis Leidender {m}
arthritic [female]Arthritikerin {f}
arthritic [female]an Arthritis Leidende {f}
arthritidesArthritiden {pl}
arthritides Gelenkentzündungen {pl}
arthritisArthritis {f}
arthritisGelenkentzündung {f}
arthritis bra Arthritis-BH {m} [BH, der sich zwischen den Cups leicht öffnen und schließen lässt]
arthritis mutilans verstümmelnde Arthritis {f} [Fernrohrfinger]
arthritis urethritica [Reiter's syndrome] Reiter-Krankheit {f}
arthrobranchArthrobranchie {f}
arthrobranchiaArthrobranchie {f}
arthrocentesisArthrozentese {f}
arthrocentesis Gelenkpunktion {f}
arthrochondritisArthrochondritis {f}
arthrochondritis Gelenkknorpelentzündung {f}
arthroconidia Arthrokonidien {pl}
arthrodesisArthrodese {f}
arthrodesis(operative) Gelenkversteifung {f}
arthrodial cartilage [Cartilago articularis] Gelenkknorpel {m}
arthrodial joint [Articulatio plana] Arthrodialgelenk {n}
arthrodial joint [Articulatio plana] ebenes Gelenk {n} [Arthrodialgelenk]
arthrodontous arthrodont
arthrodontous peristome arthrodontes Peristom {n}
arthrodynia Gelenkschmerz {m}
arthrodynia Arthrodynie {f}
arthrofibrosis Arthrofibrose {f}
arthrogenic arthrogen
arthrogenous arthrogen
arthrogram Arthrogramm {n}
arthrographical arthrografisch
arthrographically arthrographisch
arthrography Arthrographie {f}
arthrography Arthrografie {f}
arthrogryposis Arthrogryposis {f}
arthrogryposis [Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita] Arthrogrypose {f}
arthrokinematics [treated as sg.] Arthrokinematik {f}
arthrologyArthrologie {f}
arthrology Gelenklehre {f}
arthrologyGelenkkunde {f}
arthrometry Arthrometrie {f}
arthro-osteo-onychodysplasiaArthroosteoonychodysplasie {f}
arthropathic psoriasis [Arthritis psoriatica] Psoriasis-Arthropathie {f} [Psoriasis-Arthritis]
arthropathy Arthropathie {f}
arthropathy Gelenkerkrankung {f}
arthroplasty Arthroplastik {f}
arthroplastyGelenkplastik {f}
arthropneumography [rare] [air-contrast arthrography] Arthropneumographie {f}
arthropod [phylum Arthropoda]Gliederfüßer {m}
arthropod [phylum Arthropoda] Arthropode {m}
arthropod collectionArthropodensammlung {f} [auch: Arthropoden-Sammlung]
arthropod community Arthropodengemeinschaft {f}
arthropod diversity Arthropodenvielfalt {f}
arthropod evolution Evolution {f} der Arthropoden
arthropod faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.] Arthropodenkot {m}
arthropod faunaArthropodenfauna {f}
arthropod genus Arthropodengattung {f} [auch: Arthropoden-Gattung]
arthropod group Arthropodengruppe {f}
arthropod infestation Arthropodenbefall {m}
arthropod morphology Arthropodenmorphologie {f} [auch: Arthropoden-Morphologie]
arthropod species Arthropodenart {f}
arthropod speciesGliederfüßerart {f}
arthropod vector Arthropodenvektor {m}
Arthropoda faunaArthropodenfauna {f}
Arthropoda species Arthropodenart {f}
Arthropoda species Gliederfüßerart {f}
arthropodin Arthropodin {n}
arthropodization Arthropodisierung {f}
arthropodologyArthropodologie {f}
arthropods [phylum Arthropoda]Gliederfüßer {pl}
arthropods [phylum Arthropoda] Arthropoden {pl}
arthroscope Arthroskop {n}
arthroscopic biceps tenodesisarthroskopische Bizepssehnentenodese {f}
arthroscopic examination [arthroscopy] Arthroskopie {f} [Untersuchung eines Gelenkinnenraums mit dem Arthroskop]
arthroscopic findingsarthroskopische Befunde {pl}
arthroscopic punch Arthroskopiestanze {f}
arthroscopic reconstruction arthroskopische Rekonstruktion {f}
arthroscopic stabilisation of the shoulder [Br.] arthroskopische Schulterstabilisierung {f}
arthroscopic stabilization of the shoulderarthroskopische Schulterstabilisierung {f}
arthroscopic surgeryArthroskopie {f} [arthroskopische Chirurgie / Operation]
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