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earth-magnetic erdmagnetisch
earthman Erdling {m}
earth-moist erdfeucht [z. B. Beton, Lehm]
earth-mover Erdbaumaschine {f}
earthmover Bodenhobelmaschine {f}
earthmover Bagger {m}
earthmover [bulldozer] Planierraupe {f}
earthmover swivel-type valve drehbares Ventil {n}
earthmover tyre [Br.] Erdbewegungsreifen {m}
earthmoving [attr.] Erdbewegungs-
earthmoving equipmentErdbewegungsmaschine {f}
earth-moving machine Erdbaumaschine {f}
earthmoving machine Bodenhobelmaschine {f}
earthmoving machinery {sg} Erdbaumaschinen {pl}
earth-moving machinery {sg} Erdbaumaschinen {pl}
earthmoving plantErdbaugerät {n}
earthnut / earth-nut peavine [Lathyrus tuberosus]Erdnuss-Platterbse / Erdnussplatterbse {f}
earthnut / earth-nut peavine [Lathyrus tuberosus]Knollen-Platterbse / Knollenplatterbse {f}
earthnut / earth-nut peavine [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollige Platterbse {f}
earthnut pea [Lathyrus tuberosus]Knollen-Platterbse {f} [auch: Knollenplatterbse]
earthnut pea [Lathyrus tuberosus] Knollige Platterbse {f}
earthnut pea [Lathyrus tuberosus] Erdnuss-Platterbse / Erdnussplatterbse {f}
earth-orbiting erdumkreisend
earthquakeBeben {n} [Erdbeben]
earthquake [also fig.] Erdbeben {n} [auch fig.]
Earthquake [Mark Robson]Erdbeben
earthquake activity Erdbebentätigkeit {f}
earthquake alarmErdbebenalarm {m}
earthquake area Erdbebenregion {f}
earthquake at sea Seebeben {n}
earthquake behavior [Am.]Erdbebenverhalten {n}
earthquake behaviour [Br.] Erdbebenverhalten {n}
earthquake belt Erdbebengürtel {m}
earthquake beltErdbebenzone {f}
earthquake catalogue Erdbebenkatalog {m}
earthquake cycleErdbebenzyklus {m}
earthquake damage Erdbebenschaden {m}
earthquake damage {sg}Erdbebenschäden {pl}
earthquake danger Erdbebengefahr {f}
earthquake disaster Erdbebenkatastrophe {f}
earthquake drill Erdbebenübung {f}
earthquake early warning system Erdbeben-Frühwarnsystem {n}
earthquake engineerErdbebeningenieur {m}
earthquake engineering Erdbebentechnik {f}
earthquake engineering <EE> erdbebensicheres Bauen {n}
earthquake excitationErdbebenerregung {f} [auch: Erdbeben-Erregung]
earthquake expert Erdbebenexperte {m}
earthquake expert [female] Erdbebenexpertin {f}
earthquake fatalitiesErdbebentote {pl}
earthquake faultErdbebenstörung {f} [Verwerfung]
earthquake force Erdbebenkraft {f}
earthquake forceseismische Kraft {f}
earthquake frequency Erdbebenhäufigkeit {f}
earthquake hazardErdbebenrisiko {n}
earthquake hazard Erdbebengefahr {f}
earthquake hazard Erdbebengefährdung {f}
earthquake insurance Erdbebenversicherung {f}
earthquake insurance Versicherung {f} gegen Erdbeben
earthquake intensityStärke {f} eines Erdbebens
earthquake intensityErdbebenstärke {f}
earthquake intensity Erdbebenintensität {f}
earthquake loadErdbebenlast {f}
earthquake magnitudeStärke {f} eines Erdbebens
earthquake mapErdbebenkarte {f}
earthquake monitor Erdbebenmonitor {m} [auch: Erdbeben-Monitor]
earthquake monitoring station Erdbeben-Überwachungsstation {f}
earthquake monitoring station Erdbebenüberwachungsstation {f}
earthquake motionErdbebenbewegung {f}
earthquake performance Erdbebenverhalten {n}
earthquake prediction Erdbebenvorhersage {f}
earthquake probabilityErdbebenwahrscheinlichkeit {f}
earthquake protection Erdbebenschutz {m}
earthquake recordSeismogramm {n}
earthquake region Erdbebenregion {f}
earthquake researchErdbebenforschung {f}
earthquake research institute Erdbebenforschungsinstitut {n}
earthquake risk Erdbebengefahr {f}
earthquake risk Erdbebenrisiko {n}
earthquake rubble Erdbebenschutt {m}
earthquake rupture Erdbebenbruch {m}
earthquake safety Erdbebensicherheit {f}
earthquake seismology Erdbebenseismologie {f}
earthquake service Erdbebendienst {m}
earthquake sourceErdbebenquelle {f}
earthquake station Erdbebenstation {f}
earthquake swarm Erdbebenschwarm {m}
earthquake theory Erdbebentheorie {f}
earthquake trace Erdbebenspur {f}
earthquake victim Erdbebenopfer {n}
earthquake victims Erdbebenopfer {pl}
earthquake victims Opfer {pl} des Erdbebens
earthquake warningErdbebenwarnung {f}
earthquake wave Erdbebenwelle {f}
earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 on the open / open-ended Richter scale Erdbeben {n} der Stärke 8,2 auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala
earthquake zone Erdbebengebiet {n}
earthquake zone Erdbebenzone {f}
earthquake-induced erdbebeninduziert [geh.]
earthquake-induced erdbebenverursacht
earthquake-induced erdbebenbedingt
earthquake-prone erdbebengefährdet
« earnearnEartearteartearteartear-easiEasteast »
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