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protein kinase Proteinkinase {f}
protein kinase C <PKC> Proteinkinase C {f} <PKC>
protein kinase inhibitor <PKI> Proteinkinaseinhibitor {m} [auch: Proteinkinase-Inhibitor] <PKI>
protein kinasesProteinkinasen {pl}
protein layerProteinschicht {f}
protein layerEiweißschicht {f}
protein lipidationProteinlipidierung {f}
protein localizationProteinlokalisation {f}
protein loop Proteinspirale {f}
protein loop Proteinschleife {f}
protein maturation Proteinreifung {f}
protein metabolism Eiweißstoffwechsel {m}
protein metabolismProteinstoffwechsel {m}
protein metabolism Eiweißmetabolismus {m}
protein metabolism Proteinmetabolismus {m}
protein microarray Protein-Microarray {n} [auch {m}]
protein migration [electrophoresis] Proteinwanderung {f} [im elektrischen Feld]
protein misfoldingProteinmissfaltung {f} [auch: Protein-Missfaltung]
protein misfolding Proteinfehlfaltung {f}
protein misfolding disease <PMD>Proteinfaltungserkrankung {f}
protein misfolding disease <PMD> Proteinfehlfaltungserkrankung {f}
protein misfolding disorder <PMD> Proteinfaltungserkrankung {f}
protein misfolding disorder <PMD>Proteinfehlfaltungserkrankung {f}
protein mixture Proteingemisch {n}
protein modelProteinmodell {n}
protein modificationProteinmodifikation {f}
protein moleculeProteinmolekül {n}
protein moleculesProteinmoleküle {pl}
protein nourishment Proteinnahrung {f}
protein oxidationProteinoxidation {f}
protein pair Proteinpaar {n}
protein phosphorylationProteinphosphorylierung {f} [auch: Protein-Phosphorylierung]
protein polymerProteinpolymer {n}
protein polymorphism Proteinpolymorphismus {m} [auch: Protein-Polymorphismus]
protein powder Proteinpulver {n}
protein powder Eiweißpulver {n}
protein precipitation Proteinfällung {f}
protein precursorProteinvorstufe {f}
protein productionProteinproduktion {f} [auch: Protein-Produktion]
protein production Proteinherstellung {f} [auch: Protein-Herstellung]
protein purification Proteinpurifikation {f}
protein purification Proteinreinigung {f}
protein purificationProteinaufreinigung {f}
protein quality control <PQC>Proteinqualitätskontrolle {f} <PQK>
protein quotient Eiweißquotient {m}
protein regulationProteinregulierung {f}
protein requirement Eiweißbedarf {m}
protein requirement Proteinbedarf {m}
protein research Proteinforschung {f}
protein S <PS> Protein S {n} <PS>
protein S deficiency Protein-S-Mangel {m}
protein science Proteinforschung {f}
protein search Proteinsuche {f}
protein secretion Proteinsekretion {f}
protein separationProteinauftrennung {f}
protein sequence Proteinsequenz {f}
protein sequence database Proteinsequenzdatenbank {f}
protein sequencesProteinsequenzen {pl}
protein sequencingProteinsequenzierung {f}
protein shake Proteindrink {m}
protein shell Proteinhülle {f}
protein size Proteingröße {f}
protein skimming Eiweißabschäumung {f}
protein solubility <PS>Proteinlöslichkeit {f}
protein solution Proteinlösung {f}
protein sourceProteinquelle {f}
protein sourceProteinlieferant {m}
protein splicing Proteinspleißen {n}
protein splicingProtein-Splicing {n}
protein stabilityProteinstabilität {f}
protein structure Proteinstruktur {f}
protein structure Proteinaufbau {m}
protein structure analysis Proteinstrukturanalyse {f}
protein structure predictionProteinstrukturvorhersage {f}
protein structuresProteinstrukturen {pl}
protein substrate Proteinsubstrat {n}
protein subunit Protein-Untereinheit {f}
protein subunitsProtein-Untereinheiten {pl}
protein supplier Proteinlieferant {m}
protein supplyProteinversorgung {f}
protein suspension Proteinsuspension {f}
protein synthesisProteinsynthese {f}
protein synthesis Eiweißsynthese {f}
protein toxicity Proteintoxizität {f}
protein translation Proteintranslation {f}
protein translocationProteintranslokation {f} [auch: Protein-Translokation]
protein transport Proteintransport {m}
protein transport system Proteintransportsystem {n}
protein type Proteintyp {m}
protein types Proteintypen {pl}
protein tyrosine phosphatase <PTP> Proteintyrosinphosphatase {f} <PTP>
protein variant Proteinvariante {f}
protein Z <PZ>Protein Z {n} <PZ>
proteinaceous proteinös
proteinaceous proteinisch
proteinase Proteinase {f}
proteinaseProtease {f}
proteinase activity Proteinase-Aktivität {f} [auch: Proteinaseaktivität]
« protprotprotprotprotprotprotprotprotprotprot »
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